North of Van Phong 'special zone' suddenly returned to trade after 1 year of 'freezing'

Saturday, 04/05/2019, 14:42 (GMT+7)

North of Van Phong 'special zone' suddenly returned to trade after 1 year of 'freezing'

Many land plots in Van Ninh district, Khanh Hoa province - where the North Van Phong special economic zone is planned to be transferred, will be traded again after a year of "freezing" transactions.


Yesterday afternoon (3/5), exchanging with PV, Mr. Vo Luc Pham, Vice Chairman of Van Ninh District People's Committee said, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has just issued a conclusion notice of the Standing People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province related to settlement of land procedure files in Van Ninh district.

Accordingly, recently Chairman of Khanh Hoa Province - Mr. Le Duc Vinh chaired a meeting to hear the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Van Ninh District People's Committee reported a number of problems when receiving and settling dossiers of land procedures in the district. Van Ninh, which is expected to establish North Van Phong special zone.


Đất 'đặc khu' Bắc Vân Phong bất ngờ mua bán trở lại sau 1 năm 'đóng băng'

Real estate trading floors have sprung up like mushrooms in Northern Van Phong after getting information for special zones


Specifically, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee agreed to terminate the document 4391 dated 9/5/2018 of Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee on strengthening land management in Van Ninh district.

Since then, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has assigned Van Ninh District People's Committee, Van Phong Economic Zone Management Board to handle land records in accordance with the law.

At the same time, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee also assigned the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to preside and coordinate with the Department of Justice to study and advise Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee to issue a document to terminate the document 4391 on 9/5/2018.

In addition, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee asked the relevant agencies to regularly monitor the situation of land changes to timely advise Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee to consider and resolve the situation of land speculation as in time. just past.


Đất 'đặc khu' Bắc Vân Phong bất ngờ mua bán trở lại sau 1 năm 'đóng băng'

The land in Northern Van Phong will be removed and the transaction will resume in the future


Earlier in the previous year, after having information that Bac Van Phong planned to establish a special zone, in Van Ninh district, real estate trading floors grew like mushrooms. At that time, the district had 20 real estate transaction floors, most of which were in Van Gia town, the section on National Highway 1A and coastal roads.

The price of land in Northern Van Phong was then blown up by the "land stork". According to local people, the time before the information of Bac Van Phong became a special zone, many plots only cost about VND 100 million, but then the same land plots were sky-high, up to goods. billions dong.

Facing the above situation, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued document 4391 on May 9, 2018, requesting Van Ninh district to temporarily stop receiving and settling dossiers of changing land use purpose, transferring land use rights and real parcel separation.

After this document, the market of real estate transactions in Northern Van Phong is quiet, land prices plummet and cool down.



Dan Tri.