After the Lunar New Year, the 10,000 billion flood-proofing project will be restarted

Friday, 11/01/2019, 12:00 (GMT+7)

After the Lunar New Year, the 10,000 billion flood-proofing project will be restarted

Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee has directed relevant units to speed up the process of settling the procedures for the Ho Chi Minh City tide-flooding project to take into account the factors of climate change, early start-up, no later than the Tet calendar.

Sau Tết Nguyên đán, dự án chống ngập 10.000 tỷ sẽ được tái khởi động xây dựng

In particular, TP Anti-Flood Center is required to organize inspection, signing and certifying the completed workload records for disbursement of loans for the project.

Regarding steel quality inspection, HCM City People's Committee has proposed an independent unit to verify the quality of steel at the sluice gates to prevent tide again. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development agrees after the Lunar New Year will have an accrediting unit.

Currently Trung Nam BT Company Limited 1547 is completing stages to restart the project right after the Lunar New Year and speeding up the progress to bring the project into operation by the end of 2019. According to the project investor, now face diplomas in districts 7 and 8 and Binh Chanh and Nha Be districts have not been handed over. Before that, to ensure the quality and progress of construction of some items, the project implementing unit had to rent land from the people, costing about 10 billion dong.

Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee also said that the 10,000 billion flood-proofing project is implemented under BT contract (construction - transfer), related between the three sides are BIDV Bank, Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee and Trung Nam Company. However, the project is currently under disbursement procedures, so it has to stop construction although the progress has now reached over 72%.

Up to now, Trung Nam investors have prepared about VND 1,000 billion, BIDV re-lent more than VND 8,000 billion. Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee has also hired supervisory consultants, which items to be constructed in accordance with regulations will confirm, the workload is disbursed equivalent to VND 4,500 billion.

Started in 2016 with the expectation of completion in April 2018, but now the project "Resolving flood tide is taking into account climate change factor", with a total investment of about VND 10,000 billion, regardless suspected to suspend construction for not disbursing capital. This is considered a super-project of infrastructure with investment capital less than the project of Ben Thanh-Suoi Tien metro line.

Recently, the Prime Minister directed Ho Chi Minh City to quickly remove obstacles to implement the project according to its authority, in accordance with the law, ensuring the progress, quality and efficiency of the project. . The Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Planing and Investment; Finance; Police; Build; The State Bank of Vietnam cooperates with Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee to inspect and handle existing problems, promptly remove problems related to project implementation.

Reportedly, Ho Chi Minh City will hire independent consultants under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to assess whether quality is guaranteed. If safety is ensured, Ho Chi Minh City will record and calculate the value.

Nam Phong