Ba Ria - Vung Tau calls for investment in 10 new real estate projects

Monday, 25/02/2019, 08:49 (GMT+7)

Ba Ria - Vung Tau calls for investment in 10 new real estate projects

The People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province has issued a decision approving the list of 10 investment projects with land use and announced the list of investors for housing and new urban projects in the province.


List of projects: Social housing in Chau Duc district (Ngai Giao town, Chau Duc district), Phuoc Dien social housing (Phuoc Hai town, Dat Do district), New urban area Vung Tau gas station (Ward 10 and Ward 11, Vung Tau City), Social housing in public works and resettlement area of ​​Ward 12 (Ward 12, Vung Tau City), Social housing in the resettlement area 10ha residential area (Ward 10, Vung Tau City) and 5 worker houses with 14.5ha of Phu My new urban area (Phu My ward, Phu My town).

The provincial People's Committee assigned the Construction Department to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned units based on the approved list of projects and organize the selection of project investors with land use according to the provisions of law. .

According to the Construction Department of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province, implementing the "Development of Social Fund" project, the province has invested and put into use 1,423 apartments, reaching about 28.5% of the project. Off-budget capital is about 1,900 units, reaching 47% of the project, in which enterprises in industrial parks invest about 1,722 units to meet about 5,000 workers with stable accommodation and construction real estate businesses. About 176 units serve mainly for officials, workers and low-income workers in urban areas.

In order to meet the urgent need for housing of low-income people, in the coming time, the province will continue to implement the social security program. Accordingly, by 2020, the province is expected to build 7,765 apartments with a total construction area of ​​about 961,000m2.

According to the Construction Department of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province, the support and preferential policies when investors participate in social investment in BRT VT include: being allocated clean land, free of land use fees, land rent; Enterprises are allowed to spend 20% of the total floor area of ​​the project for sale and lease at commercial business prices; exemption and reduction of value added tax and enterprise income tax; get preferential loans from the Provincial Development Investment Fund; exemption of basic design evaluation, technical design, construction drawing design.

According to Directive 28-CT-UBND of the Provincial People's Committee in November 2017, in the period of 2017-2020, in addition to the preferential policies to attract investment, the provincial People's Committee also focused on directing the compensation and clearance. degree to create a clean land fund for social development.

In terms of capital, the Department of Planning and Investment reviews and allocates sufficient funds from now to 2020 to carry out compensation and site clearance and invest in building social works implemented by the State; study the plan to spend 10% of the auction of public land, offices of State agencies to build social housing.

In May 2018, the provincial People's Committee approved a policy of publicizing the information of 6 land plots with a total area of ​​124,699ha to prepare for the construction of houses in society with capital outside the budget in the province to implement. procedures for selecting project investors according to regulations.

Accordingly, 6 land plots include: The land area belongs to the planning area of ​​the public and resettlement area of ​​Ward 12, the land belongs to the resettlement area of ​​10 ha of ward 10 (Vung Tau City); the land area of ​​Phu My new urban resettlement area, the land area of ​​14.5ha has built technical infrastructure in Phu My ward (TX, Phu My); land area of ​​the planning road No. 2 of Phuoc Hai town (Dat Do district); residential area planned in Ngai Giao town (Chau Duc district).


Nam Phong