Buddha says everyone has four partners, the fourth most important but often neglected

Wednesday, 27/02/2019, 12:00 (GMT+7)

Buddha says everyone has four partners, the fourth most important but often neglected

If you first understand this philosophy, perhaps many people have a happier life..

The Siddhartha Siddhartha is a philosopher, scholar, founder of Buddhism, living in ancient India around the middle of the sixth and fourth centuries BC. Later, the posterity honored him as Gautama Buddha, or Shakyamuni Buddha.

Phật nói ai cũng có 4 người bạn đời, người thứ 4 quan trọng nhất nhưng thường bị bỏ bê - Ảnh 1.

Painting illustrates the Buddha Siddhartha Buddha meditating on the lotus. (Source: Wikipedia)

Although he lived a few thousand years from us, his modern ideas, showing his far-reaching and very deep visions as well as his profoundness are still of age value and can be applied to posterity in seeing Get the world around, as well as find solutions to their questions in life.

In the philosophies he preached, there was one thing that was well known and considered as a guideline in life, that is the thought "We all have 4 partners".

But first, to understand this, let's listen to a short story about a man and 4 wives.

In the past, there was a man with 4 wives. This is not unusual, since in ancient India, this was legal. One day, this man suddenly fell ill and was about to die.

By the time of his death, he felt extremely lonely, and asked his first wife to accompany him to the afterlife. "My dear wife, I always love her, take care of her all my life. I'm going to die now. Can you come with me after I die?"

Phật nói ai cũng có 4 người bạn đời, người thứ 4 quan trọng nhất nhưng thường bị bỏ bê - Ảnh 2.

According to the Brave Buddha, one of us also has 4 partners. (Artwork: Internet)

He waited for his wife's agreement. However, she replied, "My dear husband, I know you always love me. And you are going to die. But now is the time for us to break up. Goodbye my dear husband."

The man called the second wife to the bed and begged her to follow him to eternity. "Grandma, you know how I always love you. Sometimes I'm afraid you'll leave me, but I believe in you. Please come with me," the man pleaded.

However, the wife replied coldly again: "Your first wife refused to go with you to the underworld. How can I follow you? He only loves me for selfishness. yours. "

Lying in bed in agony, he called the third wife with the same request.

But this person also refused: "My dear husband, I love him and feel sad for my part. So I will take him to the final resting place. This is the last thing I can do for him." .

In the end, there was only the fourth wife, whom he did not care much about. He treated this person like a slave and always showed annoyance to her. So he thought, now if she asks her to die with her, she will definitely refuse.

However, loneliness and fear of the person who was about to leave the world gave him the courage to make an offer like the three wives. Unexpectedly, this wife agreed to her husband's request. "Dear husband, I will go with you.

No matter what happens, I will be determined to be with you forever. I can't live away from you. "

So what does this story mean? How do you understand it?

Phật nói ai cũng có 4 người bạn đời, người thứ 4 quan trọng nhất nhưng thường bị bỏ bê - Ảnh 3.

Under the eyes of the Great Buddha Siddhartha, this story contains a profound, profound inner content, transcending a story about the ancient Indian family in ancient times.

According to the Buddha, each of us, whether male or female, has 4 partners.

First life friend: 

It is our body. We always love ourselves. We bathe, eat, beautify, take care of ourselves and serve ourselves as the man did with the first wife in this story.

Unfortunately, by the end of his life, that body, or that wife, we could not bring us to the afterlife. When we take our last breath, the body will be cremated, returned to dust, and nowhere. It is a predetermined journey for us in this life.

2nd mate: It is material wealth, money, property, work, position and our reputation, things that we must work hard to get them. We always want more and are afraid of losing these physical things.

But at the end of their lives, they are still out-of-body, we cannot carry them with us.

Friend of the 3rd generation: 

It is the relationship between us with parents, siblings, relatives, friends and society. They will send me to the final resting place and cry for me. They sympathize and are sad at our departure.

However, they could not follow us to the afterlife. We were born only by ourselves, we also died alone. Nobody can accompany us on this last journey.

Friend of the 4th generation: 

Shakyamuni Buddha mentioned the 4th wife, who accompanied her husband to eternity. In fact, she is our soul.

For the rest of our lives, our souls are perhaps the least concerned about us. We wear to let negative emotions dominate it, from anger to greed, or discontent.

I only care about making money, but I rarely think about how to cultivate, preserve and beautify my soul. However, when we fall down, it is only the soul that can go hand in hand with us.

Phật nói ai cũng có 4 người bạn đời, người thứ 4 quan trọng nhất nhưng thường bị bỏ bê - Ảnh 4.

Don't forget to cultivate, care for and nurture your soul. (Artwork: Internet)

So: For yourself, dear, respectful, but not overly indulgent, don't wear costumes that are too expensive, or eat something equal to the year of work of others.

With material money, don't take it too seriously and trade it with precious things.

With relationships in life, don't rely too much, depend on, even take extreme actions when you don't get as you want.

And set aside a peaceful little corner for your soul. How to let the years pass, even if you get older, still retain the innocence, the innocence of children, love people, love life and feel the beauty of all things around.

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Thanh Huong