Buddhists are famous businessmen in Vietnam

Thursday, 14/02/2019, 11:03 (GMT+7)

Buddhists are famous businessmen in Vietnam

The Buddha taught that if a person has the capacity to get rich through his own effort and intellect, it is good to use that material wealth to benefit him. But the rich by deception to benefit me is not possible

Những Phật tử là doanh nhân nổi tiếng tại Việt Nam

Here are Buddhists who are famous entrepreneurs in Vietnam.

Mr. Le Phuoc Vu, Chairman of Hoa Sen Group

Những Phật tử là doanh nhân nổi tiếng tại Việt Nam - Ảnh 1.

Mr. Le Phuoc Vu is a successful businessman, a person of Buddhist faith, based on the spirit of Buddhism to do business. From empty hands, in 2001 Mr. Vu established Hoa Sen Joint Stock Company. Hoa Sen is also a symbol of Buddhism. This businessman has many charitable activities, especially in May 2013 he spent more than VND36 billion to invite Nick Vujicic to inspire presentations in Vietnam.

According to Mr. Vu in the Buddhist Culture magazine, his family has a Buddhist tradition, his grandmother is a monk since 1972 under a sectarian tradition. Next, his father followed Buddhism.

As a child, this businessman lived according to family beliefs. At that time, Buddhism for Mr. Vu was more religious than the manifestation of spirituality and an understanding, thoroughly grasping the spirit of spirituality.

At the age of 30, Mr. Vu returned to Buddhism after many events in life. From here, Mr. Vu started looking for answers to self-questioning questions like What is the root of that world? What is the interaction between people and spirituality? And what does it interact with? After all, what is the nature of that spiritual world?

"Hoa Sen Group always has its own ways unlike other businesses for sustainable development, but above all must take ethics as a foundation. Our criteria are honest-community-community Personally, I am happy that I have good living values, I have done a lot of things to help people. Hoa Sen Group shared.

In 2018 Mr. Vu decided to go to the mountain to live in peace. According to sharing, he only came to Hoa Sen twice a month for 2 hours. At the same time, Mr. Vu also described the mountain where he lived as a fairy scene, having a beautiful stream for bathing.

Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung, President of Thai Ha Books

Những Phật tử là doanh nhân nổi tiếng tại Việt Nam - Ảnh 2.

Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung is a Buddhist who has the Dharma name Thien Duc. He is the founder and President of Thai Ha Books. Mr. Hung had many years of doctoral studies in the Soviet Union, then worked at FPT, when he left his position as Deputy General Director of this group. With Mr. Hung, he thinks that money is not so important. Thai Ha Books is known as a publisher with its own section specializing in Buddhist books. He studied Buddhism since he was a student and started practicing at the age of 30.

"I myself, in the old days, I had a lot of illnesses, even a few times I missed. In 2000 in Sydney (Australia), the doctor examined me with diabetes, blood fat, liver enzymes and indicated. But in fact, thanks to meditation, for years, there has been no medicine for me, I am fine, in addition, meditation gives a lot of ideas: In the past, just meditate as I bring my notebook and pen Meditation, new and strange ideas just come out and record and deploy, at that time I understood why Bill Gates, Steve Jobs ... came to India to study meditation, why the Google Group has a meditation movement. For the whole group, "Mr. Hung shared about the opportunity to come to his meditation.

President Thai Ha Books shared every morning that he also meditated and chanted Buddha's name. It is also his way of relaxing and entertaining when stressful or difficult at work. "And the breath is that I still read books, still meditate, remain a Buddhist," he affirmed.

Ms. Pham Minh Huong - Chairman of Vndirect Securities JSC

Những Phật tử là doanh nhân nổi tiếng tại Việt Nam - Ảnh 3.

Ms. Huong is known as Vndirect Securities Chairman. Around 2011, Pham Minh Huong had a "vegetarian" opportunity to become a vegetarian when she was invited to eat a meal when she went to attend a Zen course.

‘These are wonderful meals that I have never enjoyed in my life,” she recalls.

In order to share her experience, she opened a HOMEFOOD organic food store and Thuan Viet Birth Nursing Shop to spread the way she lived.

This businesswoman once shared that she was born and grew up in a period that is not religious in history, so for her, Buddhism is the image of those who enter the temple as a place to avoid the present and have a something very superstitious. She went to find many books to read but too many Sino-Vietnamese words so she did not understand. When asked to listen to Venerable Thich Nhat Tu's talk, then she could not imagine why there was such great knowledge that I did not know, while at times she thought she was very good, what whatever.

When she first entered Buddhism, she had a very wrong understanding of Buddhism as a monk, which meant having to let go of all things so that her five faculties were not exposed to anything. Ms. Minh Huong has changed a lot after following and understanding Buddhism to become a calm person before all problems. She still works as much as she did the day before, nothing else, but the job is more efficient, more peaceful.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy - Chairman of Golden Peak Company Limited

Những Phật tử là doanh nhân nổi tiếng tại Việt Nam - Ảnh 4.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy - Chairman and Director of Golden Peak Company Limited

Entrepreneur Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy, director of Golden Peak Company Limited. This is a large enterprise in Hai Phong with over 18,000 employees. In 1994, Thuy founded the Golden Peak Private Enterprise, and in February 1995 changed the production model to Golden Top Co., Ltd. with a legal capital of VND 60.1 billion, including 3 member enterprises specializing in production. shoes.

In the five years of Zen Buddhism tradition, Venerable Thich Thanh Tu gave the name Tu Tam to the monk, she said, her life seemed to be more gentle and serene, and thus the work was much smoother. life seems to be resolved by the Buddhist philosophy of life.

"Business is not always easy, but it is often difficult and treacherous, I consider it more challenging than difficult, and my mind is always alert to handle. tortured by headaches, depression in business, sometimes angry but turned into a sick mind, now I can control my emotions, calmly deal, take advantage of my goals, and sow the disaster It will be stormy, it is the Law of Nhan - Qua of Buddhism, "this businesswoman once shared with Zing.
