Building a social housing area of nearly 16,000m2 next to Van Don Airport

Thursday, 24/01/2019, 09:59 (GMT+7)

Building a social housing area of nearly 16,000m2 next to Van Don Airport

Sunhome social housing for sale, lease purchase, lease of social housing for the working subjects are working at Van Don International Airport and surrounding areas..

Xây khu nhà ở xã hội rộng gần 16.000m2 cạnh Sân bay Vân Đồn

Quang Ninh Department of Construction has just announced the second time of the project of the Sunhome airport residential area project, which belongs to the Local Adjustment of detailed construction planning of 1/500 scale, intermingled between Quang Ninh airport. with the main traffic route connecting the functional areas of Van Don economic zone in Doan Ket commune, Van Don district.

According to the approval, Sunhome Social Housing Zone has the West adjacent to Quang Ninh Airport; The North borders on the cultivated and residential land of Doan Ket commune; East: border with Ha Long - Mong Cai highway; The South borders on the cultivated land and residential area of ​​Doan Ket commune.

The total land area of ​​the project is about 15,899m2; in which, social housing land is 8,156 m2; Land for internal traffic and other technical works 1,559m2; Technical infrastructure land 508m2; Internal traffic land of 1,051m2 ....

Sunhome social housing for sale, lease purchase, lease of social housing for the working subjects are working at Van Don International Airport and the surrounding area.

Project implementation time: No more than 24 months from the date of approval of the investor selection results by the provincial People's Committee.

Currently Quang Ninh is announcing recruitment of investors for this project.

Van Xuan 
