Don't just be a "middle-class" leader, be an excellent leader: 6 easy-to-apply tips to improve your acceleration!

Friday, 11/01/2019, 14:20 (GMT+7)

Don't just be a "middle-class" leader, be an excellent leader: 6 easy-to-apply tips to improve your acceleration!!

Being a boss is one thing but being able to become a great boss is another matter. The more effective your leadership is, the more motivated you are for your employees and teams to work more effectively.

In addition to having a good head and mindset, there are many other things a successful boss needs to do, from keeping calm to all the pressures to motivating employees to develop their ability to work. better.

The beginning of the new year is always a great opportunity to determine how to improve your skills. Here are 6 simple tips to help you improve your management skills and improve your leadership skills effectively.

Đừng chỉ là một là leader thường thường bậc trung, hãy là một leader xuất sắc: 6 mẹo dễ áp dụng nâng cao khả năng bứt tốc của bạn! - Ảnh 1.

1. Listen to employees - the beginning of great ideas and optimal solutions

Agree that with the role of a boss, you have the right to assign jobs and even give orders to your employees. But besides, do you take the time to find out what employees think about current processes and policies? By becoming a good listener, you get a really deep and realistic view of what makes your employees stagnant at work. At the same time, you will know which tools, which supports can help your employees work more effectively and excel.

2. Assigning rights and duties to employees - don't be upset, feel comfortable

If you always want to do everything yourself, you will have very little chance of development. When you build and operate a business, it is clear that you can do everything but recruiting suitable employees for each new job position. You need to be comfortable with assigning rights and duties to your employees.

It is difficult to believe that employees can work as well as you, especially when the jobs they do, the decisions they make can affect your profits. But to improve your leadership skills, you definitely have to learn how to feel comfortable and trust when assigning rights and tasks to employees.

3. "The boss is not allowed to be wrong" - The wrong thinking makes you always "tight" like a string

Not all bosses receive the respect of their employees. One of the reasons for this difference is whether the boss dares to admit it when making a mistake. Whether you are a company leader or a team, don't deliberately hide mistakes or find ways to blame others.

This not only adversely affects your image in the eyes of employees but leads them to false and negative thoughts. If you show your team that you are willing to take responsibility for yourself, your employees will be less afraid of making mistakes during their work and dare to step out of their "safe areas" to make it possible. my own ability.

4. Don't abandon employees - Be the spirit and mentor for them

Running a business, leading a team is really not easy. Surely you also find yourself always in an extremely busy state.

However, take some time to reinforce the spirit and "mentor" for them when needed, even if this causes you to change your work schedule.

Giving your employees a chance to share their thoughts, concerns will help you to chat with them in a better mood. From there, you can offer better options and create an ideal working environment for your team.

Đừng chỉ là một là leader thường thường bậc trung, hãy là một leader xuất sắc: 6 mẹo dễ áp dụng nâng cao khả năng bứt tốc của bạn! - Ảnh 2.

5. Keep calm before every situation - "Know it, it's hard, talk forever" but still can't do it

Feeling stressed when the incident has a very natural reaction of every human being. So is the leader, but learn how to "calm down before every situation". It would be great if you show your employees that you can stay calm when things are unfavorable or there are problems.

Your employees can learn to keep calm in similar cases and maybe they will manage their stress better. This is really helpful when you and your team face future challenges and risks.

6. "Dirty boss hand" - Small action, great message

As a boss, you absolutely have the right to assign lower-level tasks to other employees. But that doesn't mean you can't handle personal computer problems or handle simple transport problems during the main task.

When you do things that are not your job, it will motivate the employees to have the spirit to overcome their own tasks. This will help your teams and staff to be more united, mutual support and always maintain the motivation to move forward.

Hai Dang