High-pitched hand of Da Nang stork: Launching rumors to blow the price, a series of urgent warnings are given

Friday, 08/03/2019, 15:39 (GMT+7)

High-pitched hand of Da Nang stork: Launching rumors to blow the price, a series of urgent warnings are given

In addition to falsifying the leaders' documents on the project investment policy, the "land storks" also reportedly established new districts to inflate land prices..

Chiêu cao tay của cò đất Đà Nẵng: Tung tin đồn thất thiệt để thổi giá, hàng loạt cảnh báo khẩn được đưa ra


Over the past few days, on the social network, it was reported that Da Nang was about to establish a new district named Hieu Duc district.

The district was established on the basis of separation from four communes of Hoa Vang district, including Hoa Khuong, Hoa Nhon, Hoa Phong and Hoa Tien. Accompanying this information is the sale of land plots for 1.3-1.8 billion VND in the above mentioned areas.


 Chiêu cao tay của cò đất Đà Nẵng: Tung tin đồn thất thiệt để thổi giá, hàng loạt cảnh báo khẩn được đưa ra - Ảnh 1.


Director of the Department of Home Affairs Vo Ngoc Dong said that some information spread on social networks about separating Hoa Vang district into two administrative units is a rumor.

Mr. Dong added, based on the Resolution No. 1211/2016 / UBTVQH13 of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly (term XIII) on the standards of administrative units and administrative units classification, Hoa Vang district did not meet criteria. standard to split into two administrative units. Therefore, the information spread on social networks recently about the city of Da Nang with the newly established district from Hoa Vang district is incorrect.

Moreover, the city is also implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ / TW on "Some issues on continuing to renovate and organize the apparatus of the political system, streamlined, effective and effective fruit ", there is no reason to separate Hoa Vang district.

According to the study, the land in Da Nang city before the Lunar New Year has soared so far for project land and houses in alleys and rural areas. Many land lots increased rapidly in price every day. The wave of buying land to catch up on investment projects is creating a "fever" that makes people looking to buy houses or land to build houses have to worry about the price of land becoming "hot".

Many real estate trading floors in Da Nang said that due to continuous market stimulating information such as: the policy of building Lien Chieu port, increasing total investment capital from VND 458 billion to VND 1,823 billion (up 400%) in Thuy Tu urban area project ... making land prices of Golden Hills, Dragon Smart, Lakeside Palace, Eco Charm ... increase.

Currently, the price of land frontage of 7.5m in Golden Hills urban area has increased to 26-30 million VND / m2, the road of 5.5m has increased from 20-23 million VND / m2, the road of 33m is 37-40 million. VND / m2 ... Recently, the project of Zone C and Zone E of Golden Hills urban area opened for sale with land price of VND 18-20 million / m2, attracting many investors to book because they believe that the value of land will increase. 2-3 times in the next few years.

The increase in the price of land in the northwest of the city entailed land prices in resettlement areas, residential areas in the wards of Hoa Hiep Bac, Hoa Hiep Nam, Hoa Khanh Bac and Hoa Minh (Lien Chieu District). up significantly.

"There will definitely be no land price drop in the northwest of the city, but it will increase, even if it" explodes "for big investment events. or give investment certificates to continue stimulating land prices thanks to a more prosperous investment and socio-economic environment, "said Tran Duy Anh, a real estate investor (residing on Nguyen Luong Bang street, Hoa Hiep Nam ward, Lien Chieu district) said.

According to our research, other areas of the city such as Hoa Xuan ward, Nam Hoa Xuan ward, southern Da Nang city ... have built up a "fever" of land, accompanied by land prices of areas such as Hoa Tho Dong ward. Hoa Tho Tay, Hoa Phat and Hoa An (Cam Le district), Hoa Chau and Hoa Phuoc communes (Hoa Vang district) also heated up. Especially, before the Lunar New Year, Ky Hoi village, the villages of Hoa Tien commune suddenly "disturbed" because of unusual land prices, especially in La Bong and Nam Son villages ...

Many investors and real estate brokers said that in the coming time, the land price in the city continued to increase, even rising due to the positive information about the implementation of construction investment projects. infrastructure, real estate ... The assignment of the city to the Singapore consultant to set up the planning as well as many Singaporean, US and Japanese investors ... are pouring capital into investment in Da Nang also has an impact. stimulate land prices.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Lap, Director of Da Nang Real Estate Research and Research Institute, said that Da Nang real estate prices have not reached the peak of exploitation and will still increase in the future. Currently, the market price difference and accompanying infrastructure and people's living conditions are too large. In addition, the psychology of surfing the market of investors, the status of the stock market and creating virtual transactions of real estate brokers is still popular. Therefore, investors need to be very careful about this fever.

The People's Committee of Hoa Vang district said that the district has just sent an urgent letter to the People's Committee of 11 communes and the Radio and Television Station of the district asking for propaganda and rectifying the state of land trading in the area which is happening actively; in which vigilance that the "trigger" land is using many tricks to push prices up abnormally to profit.

Hoa Vang District People's Committee assigned People's Committee of 11 communes to inform and propagate for people to be cautious in buying and selling land; should not sell for the immediate profit but sell all agricultural land and residential land, so there will be no productive land in the future, affecting the social security situation, stabilizing long life; at the same time avoid being "trapped" by the "trigger" groups of land.


Nam Phong