Ho Chi Minh City reviewed and adjusted BT investment projects

Saturday, 09/03/2019, 09:24 (GMT+7)

Ho Chi Minh City reviewed and adjusted BT investment projects

TP.HCM rà soát, điều chỉnh các dự án đầu tư BT

The People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City assigns the Director of the Department of Justice to propose to adjust or cancel the BT contract if it detects a violation in order to promptly recover the lost state property.

On March 8, Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee issued a written request to departments to quickly review and adjust investment projects in the form of BT (construction - transfer).

According to the City People's Committee, this review and adjustment is done according to the Government's Resolution 160 on using public assets to pay investors to implement projects in the form of BT.

Accordingly, the City People's Committee requested that BT contract be included in the projects signed before January 1, 2018, when the payment has not been completed, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with other departments and branches. relating, advising and proposing payment according to the signed contract. The payment must comply with regulations on management and use of public assets, land law ...

For BT signed contracts from January 1, 2016 (including the terms of use of public assets for payment), the City People's Committee assigns the departments which have been assigned to sign contracts, review the contents of the contracts. co-signed. In case the content of BT contract is in accordance with the regulations, the City People's Committee will propose to continue payment as prescribed.

Particularly for contents that are not consistent with the regulations, it is necessary to negotiate and adjust the contents of BT contracts in accordance with the Law on Management and Use of Public Property in 2017, the laws on land and laws on the state budget. ...

For BT projects completed the selection of investors in accordance with the law before the Resolution No. 160 took effect but has not signed BT contracts, the People's Committee of the Department of Planning and Investment advises, propose the negotiation and signing of BT contracts to ensure compliance with the Law on Management and Use of Public Property in 2017, laws on land, laws on the state budget and relevant legal provisions.

The City People's Committee also assigned the Director of the Department of Justice to review the signed and ongoing BT contracts to ensure that the contracts were signed publicly, transparently and in accordance with regulations, without causing public property losses. do not let corruption, group benefits.

The City People's Committee also assigns the Director of the Department of Justice to propose the adjustment of BT Contract, if any violation is found, but not cause loss of state assets; propose to adjust or cancel the BT contract if detecting violations in order to promptly recover the state assets which are lost. At the same time, advising and proposing to strictly punish collectives and individuals who violate the provisions of law.

In the city, there are many projects that are being invested in BT form, including the flood-proofing project in Ho Chi Minh City, considering climate change factor of total investment. VND 10,000 billion.


Ta Lam