Investors poured into Mong Cai to pour capital and receive infrastructure waves

Tuesday, 23/04/2019, 16:39 (GMT+7)

Investors poured into Mong Cai to pour capital and receive infrastructure waves

Besides Ha Long and Van Don and Mong Cai, secondary investors are particularly interested when many considerations that this place will bring great opportunities for profit.

Nhà đầu tư đổ về Móng Cái rót vốn, đón sóng hạ tầng


Only from the beginning of the year back, Mong Cai has quickly become the welcome point of investors, after Van Don and Ha Long. According to a survey of a real estate trading floor in Quang Ninh, the prices of project land products range from VND 8 - 13 million / m2. Land prices in central areas range from VND 17-22 million / m2. The absorption of special products in the land line segment and shophouse is quite good.

Judging from investors, there are many reasons why investors poured into Mong Cai besides the exciting market of Ha Long and Van Don. Because the current "hot spots" like Ha Long and Van Don have increased land prices in the past year.

In previous years, Ha Long has also attracted many big real estate investors to invest. However, until now the market has developed strongly, the level of price increase of real estate will not be as high as before, the profit margin will be difficult to achieve as expected.

Meanwhile, Mong Cai is considered a new market with great potential. In particular, with the landing of real estate giants in recent times, it will create a synchronous "face" of infrastructure. This is the condition for that price increase in Mong Cai real estate market.

Recently, the high-speed project of over VND 11,000 billion has been connected from Van Don to Mong Cai city to start construction, forming a high-speed highway from Hanoi - Hai Phong - Ha Long - Mong Cai, many " big "has started to start" hunting "land fund in Mong Cai City such as Sungroup, FLC, Vinaconex, ... besides those are real estate developers with available land fund are also developing the project.


 Nhà đầu tư đổ về Móng Cái rót vốn, đón sóng hạ tầng - Ảnh 1.


In particular, it is worth noting that the project of Promexco Mong Cai urban area with scale of 29ha is located at the gate of Mong Cai City. This is the project that Promexco is the investor, currently this urban area is building infrastructure. Scale about 600 lots of adjacent shophouse and 50 villas ... in Hai Yen ward (the road of Highway 18 is about 3km from the center of Mong Cai city). Price level ranges from 6-18 million VND / m2 depending on the location of the plot.

Promexco is also a real estate developer in Hanoi market, is the investor of the housing complex of 79 Ngoc Hoi (Hanoi) with 1,600 apartments and 48 low-rise houses, a hotel in the center of the city. Mong Cai.

Explaining the psychology of investing in Mong Cai investment, Mr. Nhat Le (Hanoi investor) said: "Normally, investors' psychology will be: welcome market waves when there is good news. With Van Donors, wise investors will often come to pour capital at the time when there is an order to reopen trading activities, but recently, Van Don market has not had clear information, investors are still So, investors will tend to choose new, stable and safe markets, especially psychology to follow the "hot" market, for example Van Don is feverish, the investors will seeking profitable opportunities in the neighborhood ".


 Nhà đầu tư đổ về Móng Cái rót vốn, đón sóng hạ tầng - Ảnh 2.


Real estate projects have been deployed to surround the center of Mong Cai City. Recently, Sungroup is proposing to plan 2 land areas of about 100ha in Bac Luan border gate area to build an urban area.

In another perspective, Mr. Pham Quang Tung (Director of TT Land Real Estate Trading Floor) said: "If comparing between Van Don and Mong Cai real estate market, in fact, Mong Cai will not have the speed of development. But on the contrary, the market here is having stable, sustainable advantages, and real and non-virtual real estate prices, besides, the land price at the place This is still quite soft, great investment opportunities, which are the reasons why Mong Cai is becoming a attraction for investors coming here in a short time. "

Mr. Tung also added that in the current potential, Mong Cai is converging many advantages to break out in the future. Firstly, this is a bustling Chinese trading city. Second, the future, Mong Cai will "change the meat" with the improved transportation system as well as many new projects will appear.

"Mong Cai real estate market will surely become vibrant in the future. Therefore, investors have flocked here to welcome the wave of real estate." - Mr. Tung emphasized.

Although the problems of investors when coming to Mong Cai, the transportation system is still not favorable. However, when the Van Don - Mong Cai expressway was officially put into operation, Mong Cai real estate is expected to "rise". And this is the right time to pour capital, receive infrastructure, to find profitable opportunities for Mong Cai real estate market.



Quynh Chi