Investors quietly "surfing" the provincial land

Tuesday, 19/02/2019, 11:54 (GMT+7)

Investors quietly "surfing" the provincial land

The plots of indigenous people and project land opened for sale from the middle of 2018 were bought by investors (investors) within a few months and still quietly took place in the neighboring provinces of HCMC as Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Long An, Vung Tau.

Buy and resell within a few months

The investors with modest capital and low experience often choose the form of "surfing" the ground in the neighboring provinces. Some investors only bought and resold within 1-2 months and continued to rotate the capital flow to another land.

In the opinion of experts, the investment in surfing land in the current period has decreased completely because the market is not clear enough. However, it does not mean that the market has lost its surfing investment. As noted, the plots that had books in the provincial area were still sought and sold by investors in a short time. The difference of investors reached from about VND 100 million within 2 months.

 Nhà đầu tư âm thầm lướt sóng đất nền tỉnh lẻ - Ảnh 1.

Many investors went to neighboring provinces to surf the ground

Mr. Tran Van Thang (from District 7, Ho Chi Minh City) "went down" to buy a piece of land in Nhon Trach (Dong Nai) in November 2018 at the price of VND 600 million / floor, until January 2019, he asked for brokerage Resale at a price of 725 million VND. After deducting costs for brokerage, Mr. Thang earned 100 million dong within 2 months. Holding VND 700 million, Mr. Thang continued to re-invest the land in Nhon Trach and gave all rights to the broker, if there was any difference in the next 2-3 months.

Similarly, Mr. Vu Ngoc Cuong (from District 2, Ho Chi Minh City) also sold 150 million VND when “putting money” into residential land in Thuan An, Binh Duong before the Lunar New Year. After deducting the costs for brokers and bank interest within a few months, the amount of interest he received was nearly 100 million dong. Continuing to search for low-cost land in remote areas to invest, according to Cuong, the difference of each wave will pay the bank and choose to reinvest the land in the province, to make money.

Although she has no experience in real estate investment, Ms. Dinh Thi Khanh Hoa (live in District 12, Ho Chi Minh City) also "risked" to borrow more banks to buy 60m2 ground in Long Thanh district (Dong Nai) for 700 million VND. copper / background. After 3 months, she sent the broker to sell off 850 million VND / background. Ho hoi when the first real estate investment was more than a hundred million words, far more than the salary of salary, Ms. Hoa continued to ask for brokers looking for land with prices below 1 billion in the province to invest.

As noted, most of surfing investors at this stage have modest capital flows, have no experience in the field of investment, often assigning full rights to real estate brokers. Brokers target the market situation and sell off to investors within a few months. After that, it was the same broker who searched for similar grounds for investors to reinvest.

Is the province's land still the choice of investors in 2019?

Objectively speaking, the land in the provincial area, adjacent to Ho Chi Minh City is still a great choice of investors. By investors, the level of profitability of the land has a better difference, not to mention, for surfing, compared to other segments of the land, easy to surf, suitable for investors who are not thick capital.

Mr. Pham Lam, Chairman of DKRA Vietnam once said that in 2019, land plot is still the channel selected by many investors because of the outstanding characteristics of this segment. Although surfing investment does not bloom like a hot time, this phenomenon is still more or less on the market. However, in order for the cash flow to grow stably and reduce risks, investors should choose long-term investment.

 Nhà đầu tư âm thầm lướt sóng đất nền tỉnh lẻ - Ảnh 2.

Land is still the favorite channel of investors

According to experts, the current market time is not an opportunity for surfing investment, although surfing investors have partly boosted market liquidity. In particular, with the provincial land, to invest in surfing more profitable and fast, only the "singing" projects of major investors. Particularly for small-scale projects, the time for good return on investment is from 1-1.5 years.

As noted, the time after the Lunar New Year, investors intensified to find real estate to reinvest in the context of the project is expected to continue to be scarce in 2019. According to investors, besides selling price is quite high, The source of goods does not have much choice, so the search for real estate in the provinces becomes the majority choice. Although the difference in investment price at the current period is not as sudden as the hot period, according to investors, putting money into real estate still brings stable profits, ensuring cash flow.

Ha Vy