Jack Ma reminds young people: Don't go to school to go to the big company, go find a good boss and stick with him for 3 years

Saturday, 26/01/2019, 08:24 (GMT+7)

Jack Ma reminds young people: Don't go to school to go to the big company, go find a good boss and stick with him for 3 years

When he began his job search, Jack Ma said that his first job was very important

Jack Ma nhắn nhủ người trẻ: Ra trường đừng nhăm nhăm nộp hồ sơ vào công ty lớn, hãy tìm một vị sếp tốt và gắn bó với ông ấy 3 năm

Jack Ma, the boss of the e-commerce empire Alibaba, said he always recruited someone smarter than himself.

Sharing at the 2019 World Economic Forum, he said: "People 4, 5 years later may be my boss. I like to work with such people. That person is the best. Second is I always like people who are positive and not easy to give up. "

In a one-hour discussion, Jack Ma brought up views on business, value, entrepreneurship and more.

When asked to give advice to young people, Jack Ma said this:

"When you graduate from some school and start looking for a job. The first job is extremely important. No need to target big-name companies to do anything, it's important to find a good boss. , be ready to teach you people, teach you how to do things properly and appropriately, then promise yourself, I will work here for at least 3 years and then start changing That's what we should teach children, be more creative, more innovative, to make machines that can't be done. "

This is not the first time Jack Ma has mentioned this issue. In 2017 when he came to Vietnam to attend an event and had time to share with students of Hanoi Foreign Trade University, he also said that:

"Work at a small company. Usually, a big company is a very good environment to learn the workflow, because you will be a constituent in a big machine. But when working at one Small company, you will learn how to passion, how to desire, You learn how to do many things at the same time.

Therefore, it is not important to work at any company, but it is important that you find a boss to follow and learn, "said Mr. Jack Ma before.

He also advised business leaders to never worry about competition and pressure. "If you're worried about pressure, don't be an entrepreneur. Today, the most worrying thing is people worry about everything."

You must always believe that it will happen in the future and then start preparing. That is the spirit that entrepreneurs in Alibaba always have. We always bring the spirit of courage and positive forward.

Van Dam