Land "hot" back, investors silently "catching offshore"

Tuesday, 19/03/2019, 17:02 (GMT+7)

Land "hot" back, investors silently "catching offshore"

Many real estate investors (investors) come to the provincial market, 2-3 hours away from Ho Chi Minh City to find the land for sale and purchase which is happening strongly in the current real estate market.


If in the past the investment scope of investors was in the suburbs or some neighboring provinces such as Binh Duong, Dong Nai and Long An, the current wave of land investment spread to remote provinces like Binh Phuoc and Vung Tau. , Binh Thuan. In particular, land investment activities in residential areas are increasingly clear. While the land plot projects of the company are quite small, it is also the source that investors expect good profit in the period of investment from 1-2 years.

As noted, the land products with prices of less than 1 billion VND / background in the suburb of Ho Chi Minh City are not much. While with this financial level, investors have many choices in remote areas. The opinion of the majority of investors today is that the investment position is not important, it is important that the market (liquidity) is good or not, the level of profit is still guaranteed, while the capital is not too much.

Đất nền nóng trở lại, giới đầu tư âm thầm đánh bắt xa bờ - Ảnh 1.


Ho Chi Minh City investors are pouring money into neighboring real estate

Instead of rushing to the adjacent area to hunt ground as in the past 1 year, the trend of "off-shore fishing" is now clearer when many investors are ready to go to the remote province market, not yet revealed. clearly see the potential for land acquisition, waiting for the time to sell. For example, the market of Binh Phuoc has been quiet so far, when there are some big investors information about the project, the market immediately becomes busy. Investors in Ho Chi Minh City have gathered here to gather land.

Or Ba Ria - Vung Tau is an area not far from Ho Chi Minh City but this is a market that is rarely mentioned in the portfolio of long-term investors in HCMC. Not only the geographical distance but also the type of investment products are not as diverse as the market in the city.

However, at present, the real estate market here is showing signs of "getting up" from the beginning of 2018. Following many Ho Chi Minh City investors and nearby to come to this market. As noted, the land price in Ba Ria - Vung Tau fluctuates from 30% on average in the past 1 year. Some investors in Ho Chi Minh City area have "targeted" this market in their investment portfolio in 2019.

Many Ho Chi Minh City's investors have a financial range of less than 1 billion VND, which has begun to show a strong trend of shifting to remote provinces. Some investors said that the land price increase over the past 2 years has caused the land price to fluctuate unevenly. In fact, holding about 800-900 million VND to areas such as Vung Tau, Binh Phuoc ... there is not much choice as before.

The majority of selling prices at the moment have fluctuated at least 10% compared to the end of 2018. According to research, a number of projects with large scale and investment in the provincial area, the price increase has can be calculated in batches, at least 7-10% / 2-3 months period. This increase was impressive with investors with modest capital inflows but with medium-term investment trend of 1-2 years.

Mr. Nguyen Hoang Tuan, General Director of Yeshouse Joint Stock Company, said that if the buyer has a budget of 1 billion dong, there are not many options for products in Ho Chi Minh City if there is no demand for bank loans.

However, with that capital, customers can own their own beautiful products in very developed areas, perfect infrastructure, great economic potentials such as Bien Hoa, Long An and special. Recently, Ba Ria Vung Tau - an area that emerged with a series of large traffic projects, strong economic combined tourism.

According to Mr. Tuan, the price of land in Ho Chi Minh City fluctuated continuously, making the search for products of investors face many difficulties. “The market today is quite a source of scarcity, and it is more difficult to get good products. However, it does not mean that there is no direction for business owners and investors, ”Tuan said.

According to Mr. Tuan, the real estate market will be very passive for businesses without preparation. Sources are scarce and many businesses have to travel far to find products. It is both a way to solve the immediate supply problem for businesses, and create a trend to attract buyers to land areas, in fact, the development potential is still very large. Investors looking to distant products of the province will become a trend in the future.



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