"Long lines know good horses": 7 strategies turn stress into a chance of success you should know

Friday, 15/02/2019, 14:52 (GMT+7)

"Long lines know good horses": 7 strategies turn stress into a chance of success you should know

Successful people always know how to turn stresses into "elite employees" working for them.

Stress is an inevitable part of life. It makes people feel overwhelmed and bogged down in negative thoughts. Maybe, we feel helpless when under stressful "sinking" situations but if used effectively, it can motivate us to do more than we think.

In fact, the boundary between beneficial stress and stress (chronic) is extremely "fragile". If a little stress is just about helping us maintain motivation, chronic stress can make us uncomfortable, depressed, distracted and worried. That is why you need 7 strategies to turn stresses into success opportunities below.

1. Stress helps you really "live" instead of just surviving

Stress is said to be bad, but not all stress is bad. There is a kind of beneficial stress that psychologists call "Eustress". This is the kind of stress people feel when they're so excited and excited about something. This stress gives us intense emotions and excitement, making us feel inspired and passionate.

Another kind of beneficial stress is "acute stress". It is the body's reaction when surprised or startled to make sure you can reflex and deal with unexpected situations. This strain has no long-term negative effects if they are removed quickly.

Đường dài mới biết ngựa hay: 7 chiến lược biến căng thẳng thành cơ hội thành công bạn nên biết - Ảnh 1.

2. Build self-healing ability after each "battle" with stress

Catch the tension as a "pill" to help you build resiliency. Because without a bit of stress, people will work less efficiently and motivation to complete work is less. Dealing with stress effectively will help you learn how to cope with adversity, how to solve problems and overcome it.

No one succeeds without experiencing countless stressful situations. When learning strategies to work effectively in stressful situations, we are also more confident and knowledgeable about ourselves.

3. Stress and solitude - the end of your future

While some stresses are considered positive, there are many other forms of stress that can be harmful to people's mental and physical health. Stress occurs and continuously over a long period of time can cause insomnia, high blood pressure and weaken the immune system. This type of stress is related to heart disease, depression and obesity. Allow yourself to seek support from friends and relatives. This will help you face problems directly and eliminate stress.

4. "Preventing" by recognizing your limits

The golden rule to deal with stress is knowing when to say no. You must learn how to not accept more than your ability to handle reality. When we receive too much, we will open ourselves to bigger problems and chronic stress.

Don't kill yourself by trying to make people happy and squeezing everything. Learn the limitations, set limits and give yourself space to work to the best of your ability.

Đường dài mới biết ngựa hay: 7 chiến lược biến căng thẳng thành cơ hội thành công bạn nên biết - Ảnh 2.

5. Determine what you can control

There is a cruel truth, that is: You have no control over what happens to you. In fact, all you have direct control is yourself and your actions. Your attitude and thinking is how you can influence better or worse on situations that occur.

To be successful and happy in life, accept when things do not happen according to your wishes and understand that you have tried your best.

6. Understand that "parody" and resolution are completely different

Continuously "replaying" negative problems that have happened just makes you more stressed and tired. Solving problems and learning from new mistakes is essential to success. When you find yourself stuck on something, make sure you are focusing on finding a solution.

If you are working effectively, by all means continue. If not, that's when you need to "switch channels". Change your activity and focus on something else. That is how to help you use time more effectively.

7. Search for opportunities in stress

Stress often comes from unpredictable things and it is a sign of change. When you find yourself stressed, you are facing new challenges and situations - things that can lead you to a new direction. Stressful situations force us to adjust, innovate and create.

Therefore, find ways to exploit and use stress as a catalyst for the necessary change. Consider stress as a door to new solutions and opportunities.

Khanh Ly