Memorize these 10 words "DO NOT" to make life easier

Wednesday, 09/01/2019, 16:59 (GMT+7)

Memorize these 10 words "DO NOT" to make life easier

Life is like a river, when the waves are calm and calm, when it rises, it rises. In order not to regret and regret, we should try our best to capture all the opportunities that can change lives..

Human life is like the weather outside the window frame. Full of storms, storms that are unpredictable.

In order to kick the wind in the middle of the ocean of immense life full of dangers to come to the shore of victory and glory, we must avoid all risks and tribulations.

The commentary has the phrase: "People have no worries, they have close concerns". I mean only those who do not think about it far away, difficult circumstances will be right in front of their eyes.

Living in peacetime still have to think about the chaos and live in peace but still have to think about the day of danger. So when disaster strikes, we will not feel frantic, it will not be so miserable, we will lose both lead and fishing.

In everyday life, there are things that we "DO NOT" or "SHOULD NOT" make this life less a bit of regret and grief.



DO NOT look down on anyone

"Beautiful people because of silk, good rice because of feces". "Mai is beautiful because of incense and peach for beauty". Each person is an independent individual, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Never underestimate others. Instead, actively seek and discover their advantages.

They may not know how to make money like you, but know how to manage finance more than you. They may not have the same academic excellence as you but they are smarter, faster than you. They may not have more intellectual knowledge than you. But they live better than you ...

Studying a teacher does not study you, even if you are a beggar, you need courage. In return, you may not be able to take away your burden of being a thousand pounds.

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DON'T wait until unemployed and regret "know it doesn't do"

Work is a survival theme. It is also a way for us to develop our abilities and show our values.

Don't ever fantasize about a "light, high-paying, near-home" job. Because there is no work in this world that is not hard. There is no place where people and work are not complicated.

Aeck Lassel in "Highly Efficient Means Of Mc Kinsey - Mc Kinsey's superior working method" once said: "Our work is actually a process of solving problems and implementing goals through the Different methods and tricks In the process, choosing the right method is the most important thing. "

Doing a good job in duty, proactively expanding and improving yourself is the principle of being close. Only when you feel happy at work, working for your happiness can improve yourself.


DO NOT hesitate to give or give away

Dedication is not necessarily harvested. But if not devoted, it will never be harvested. To have a harvest, first, there must be dedication.

Lu Xun once said: "Great and industrious work is always proportional to each other. There will be harvested labor. Picking up every day, from less to more, will create a miracle.

Dedicate smile, reap a smile. Devote love, get love. Plant melon to eat melon, grow beans to eat beans. Do not be hard-working in the spring, do not dream of harvesting in the fall.

In this world, there is never a "not doing, enjoying, not sitting and eating" thing.


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DON'T wait until you need to remember your friends

New comrades are satisfied with each other. Emotional relationship between people is a reciprocal relationship. Friends have something to help, if possible, help. Absolutely do not stand by your arms and watch, the legs are like a pail.

Novelist Charles Dickens once said: "People who can help others reduce their burden are not ordinary people."

Good faith, help others. Others will report back to your good will. When you need it, they will help you.

Never wait until you need to remember your friends, ask them for help.In this world, no one has an obligation to help someone who never cares about others.

The Greek proverb says: "Those who do not help others, fall into difficult circumstances will never be saved."

Opened lips are cold, healthy leaves protect torn leaves. Helping others is also helping yourself.


DO NOT stop learning

This world is always changing at a glance. Must not stop learning, learning and learning to not be eliminated by society.

Anything I don't know is not scary. Anything that you do not want to think about, do not want to learn is impossible to cure.

From ancient times, any successful person or talent must go through the process of arduous and arduous learning.

The success of billionaire Warren Buffett is absolutely not accidental. Not reading books will not have legendary Warren Buffett. Learning is not likely to succeed, but if you don't learn you will definitely fail.

Everything in the knowledge business is related to learning. Therefore, the first important content to survive is to learn and understand. People who are lazy to learn are actually choosing for themselves the backwardness and elimination of humanity.

Learn to have one more survival skill and less than one bridge next to others. Study, learn more, learn forever. Learning will help us have more power and more competitive value.


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DO NOT delay

Delay is a common phenomenon. According to the results of a study, about 75% of college students claim that they themselves sometimes delay. About 50% of people think they always delay. Obviously know that I have things to do and have to do but still like to postpone.

Serious delays will bring negative effects on physical and mental health. Appears a self-blaming situation of intense self-guilt, guilt. Constantly deny yourself, lower your value. There are even psychological diseases such as anxiety syndrome, depression ...

"Delay and postpone, miss and miss again, the distance between people and people from there is also getting bigger. If you finish everything from the beginning, don't delay, don't waste time , where will you be? "

Standing in the present to say and criticize the past has no meaning at all. From now on, you should understand that: procrastination is the thief of life. It will unconsciously steal your enthusiasm and opportunity. Break the dream and kill your love. You may be radiant for a lifetime but only because of delay but become an empty and ugly shell.

Today's works should have not left till tomorrow. Immediate action is the most effective complementary medicine to succeed.


DON'T wait until you fail and remember the commandment of others

In the fairy tales of Fox and Crow, Crow is just happy to hear the flattering words, flattering of foxes that lose their prey. In everyday life, we humans are like Raven who likes to hear praise and flattery. Do not like listening to others advice or advice.

The compliments and flattery are always beautiful and vibrating. Easy to make people fascinated but forget everything. Commanding advice is sometimes not favorable, but very beneficial in the course of action. Therefore, learn to listen to others' advice. It will help you avoid unnecessary failures.

Don't waste time searching for non-existent shortcuts. There is no such thing as cheap or easy in this world. The head of the sky, the new foot pedal is the best method.

Don't be too curious about things that you already know are not good. Because you may lose your life because of it.

Do not make any decisions while being impatient. Because it may make you regret it, regret your whole life.


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Do NOT accept consent or arbitrarily promise

Before accepting an agreement or promising something to someone, think twice. Is it feasible? Can you do it?

Things that can't be done should not be done. Things you can't do should not be promised. You need to know your self-esteem, do what is within your ability.

Once you have agreed to or promised someone, you must definitely complete it. Otherwise you will lose credibility in the hearts of others.

Benjamin Franklin once said that: slipping, stumbling can stop you right away. But if you miss a word, it will probably never be saved.

Ancient people have the sentence: Faithfulness is the capital to be a person. Obtaining consent or promises with others must be done. Because it just helps you build your reputation. Just respect for others.


DON'T wait until you are out of health before you can love yourself

"Skin hair body received from parents. Do not dare to hurt it is the beginning of filial piety".

Life belongs to us only once. It is both sacred and precious. It was both short and fragile. Cherishing life is precious today. Cherish life that begins with health care and protection. To be healthy you must do the following:

1, Stay optimistic: Positive, optimistic, love life is very important. It is beneficial in reducing the pressure of life and work.

2, Get enough rest: Rest to help relax the nerves and restore physical strength.

3, Appropriate advocacy: Sports is an important factor that helps maintain and protect health.

4, Nutritional balance: Nutritional balance must be balanced, paying attention to daily eating habits. Eat well and reasonably.

Romain Rolland said: "There is only one heroism in the world. Those who understand and love life."

Beautiful and beautiful life. It is a treasure that nature files for humanity. Keeping and protecting health, appreciating life is love and respect for parents. It is also respect for life and life.

Thuộc lòng ngay 10 chữ ĐỪNG này để cuộc sống dễ thở hơn - Ảnh 5.


Do NOT manage finance

Future planning when capacity is still possible. Although not hungry to eat hungry, but if you do not know how to manage finance, sooner or later will be poor.

Good thinkers are smart people. People who know how to organize themselves are more intelligent. But those who do everything well are the smartest and the best. Today will be decided by yesterday's decision. Tomorrow will be decided by today's decision.

How much wealth and property you can accumulate in your life depends not only on how much money you can earn. It depends on how you invest in financial management. Money finds more precious people than people who find money. You need to learn how to make money work for you, not for money.

Warren Buffett is right: Start accumulating money and invest in financial management very soon. It is a good habit to be preserved and maintained.

Assigning assets appropriately, not only for your own benefit but also for your whole family. It will make you feel more comfortable from both material and spiritual aspects.

Do not wait until the ball of the evening is startled to remember to appreciate life. Life lies in how you lead and create it.

Human life is like a river. When it is quiet, when it rises, it rises. Let this life be less regretful and regretful. Each of us should try to grasp all the opportunities that can change lives.

Ngoc Thuy