New year, learn how to think about money like billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong to get out of mediocre and more successful career

Friday, 22/02/2019, 11:22 (GMT+7)

New year, learn how to think about money like billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong to get out of mediocre and more successful career

In the beginning of January, for the first time, the richest billionaire in Vietnam Pham Nhat Vuong shared quite a lot of personal views from money to teaching children..

Not long ago in the New Year interview in Tuoi Tre newspaper, when asked about the view of money, Chairman Pham Nhat Vuong shared: "As my tool and means of working. I have to borrow money when I go out and need to borrow some money when I go out. ". This is the first time the richest billionaire in Vietnam has shared quite a lot of personal views from money to teaching children.

Money is the means of working

Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong's view of money as a means of working is quite similar to other billionaires in the world.

For example, Virgin Group founder Richard Branson once said: "My motto is that if I have money, I will invest in new projects and not keep money around me." This is the basic principle of any business: Money has to produce money.

In business, money is like a business's blood. It makes every process from design, production and marketing of a product smooth as well as increase the efficiency of governance. For businesses that have no idea money, it is difficult to come true.

In 2018 Vingroup's net revenue reached 122.5 trillion dong, after tax profit of 6 trillion dong. In 2019, the group aims to shift to technology and industry. However, billionaire billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong also said:

"In the end, Vingroup had to have a lot of money to carry out such a large series of projects. I also had to borrow and had to get the domain to support the reverse to fight. But the projects have high persuasion, so I can borrow and always have to borrow up to 50-70 trillion, not less. "

Saying that to see the importance of this medium. This is also a means to help businesses borrow capital to implement other major projects of this group. In early 2018, Mr. Vuong once shared the first time when he had to borrow money from his brothers and friends and even borrowed at high interest rates. However, after borrowing more conveniently, this group can mobilize capital both at home and abroad. Even many loan contracts of big international banks are allowed to borrow unsecured loans (without collateral).

Năm mới hãy học cách nghĩ về tiền như tỷ phú Phạm Nhật Vượng để thoát khỏi cảnh tầm thường, thành công hơn trong sự nghiệp - Ảnh 1.

Wanting to organize and operate smoothly, personnel also plays a very important role. Research by Dr. Edwin Locke of R.H. Business School. Smith of the University of Maryland showed that there are four methods to promote employee performance: money, set goals, the level of participation in decision making and redesign work to provide for many employees. more challenging and responsible. He found that the average performance improvement from money was 30%, compared with a 16% increase in performance from goal setting, or 17% from job redesign.

In addition, Locke reviewed many studies of motivation and found that when money is used as a motivational method. Money always leads to some improvements in employee performance. Money is also a means for employees to use to satisfy their needs and wants. Employees can also use wages to compare their values ​​with others. Therefore, for company leaders, money is the means to awaken the human resources in the system, thereby achieving the goals set for the enterprise.

But money is a tool, not a goal

"If our motivation is money, we have sold the company for a long time and are now resting at the beaches", Larry Page - Co-founder and CEO of Alphabet Inc. (parent company Google) has made such claims about money.

With billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong, he has never considered money as a target by "not having much demand. Rice to eat clothes, houses, cars ... yes" (in the interview earlier this year 2018 with Youth newspaper). The goal of this billionaire is mentioned as "beauty for life".

"Nice houses, beautiful buildings are objects, and spiritual and health values are intangible. Doing a famous, respected, highly appreciated Vietnamese brand in the world is it. is the spiritual value for our people, not Vingroup alone, ”Vuong said.

Super-successful people in life spend their time focusing on creating and building value, not making money. They find ways to enrich other people, and they live to improve many people with privilege to do business with them. They bring themselves out of the equation and exist for others, in many ways. The paradox is that they are the most successful and wealthy.

Năm mới hãy học cách nghĩ về tiền như tỷ phú Phạm Nhật Vượng để thoát khỏi cảnh tầm thường, thành công hơn trong sự nghiệp - Ảnh 2.


Of course making money is very important, but it is not a fundamental motivation if a person seeks true success. Entrepreneurial companies focus on profits; Successful companies focus on higher goals - creating great results for their customers and making a difference in their lives.

Money to buy is free to some extent. The best thing a person can do to help the world's poor is to make sure he is not one of them. They earn a mountain of money even to the extent that they really don't know how much money they have, it's no longer a problem. They can have whatever they want, whenever they like. But for them money is just a means to capture, a scorecard.

The whole money is just a symbol of a value exchange. For successful people, it is only valuable when I distribute my value. For them, it is only valuable when I distribute my value. For me, it's just a comparison standard, nothing more, nothing bad. Money is very important, but it is not their main motivation. Money is not what pulls them out of bed early, but not what motivates them to innovate and is the best in the world in everything I do.

"You are not here to make a living. You are here to make the world more complete, with a broader perspective. You are here to enrich the world and you will be poor if you forget that purpose." , former US President Thomas Woodrow Wilson said so.


Kim Thuy