Quang Ninh: Will there be 70 billion USD "pouring" into Van Don Economic Zone?

Saturday, 05/01/2019, 14:05 (GMT+7)

Quang Ninh: Will there be 70 billion USD "pouring" into Van Don Economic Zone?

CafeLand - Quang Ninh Provincial People's Committee said that, based on development scenarios and output growth rate of the industry and GRDP growth requirements, the total expected investment capital demand from 2018 to 2050 is about 70.2 billion USD.

Quảng Ninh: Sẽ có 70 tỉ USD “đổ” vào Khu Kinh tế Vân Đồn?

According to the People's Committee of Quang Ninh province, the total demand for investment capital from 2018 to 2050 is about 70.2 billion USD.

The People's Committee of Quang Ninh province has submitted a report to the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Planning and Investment on the appraisal of the Socio-Economic Development Master Plan of Van Don Economic Zone as an administrative and economic unit. Especially in the near future.

According to the report, Van Don Economic Zone strives to become a green, modern and intelligent city and island city; The economic and cultural center of the region, with a focus on logistics services, high-class tourism, and modern entertainment industry, has a casino; is the center of start-up, creation and international trade of China-ASEAN Economic Corridor.

The goal is that by 2030, Van Don Economic Zone will fully establish sustainable social and economic platforms. By 2050, Van Don Economic Zone will become a center of global high quality investment and human resources, one of Vietnam's economic motivations, in the group leading the livable city of Asia - Thailand. Binh Duong.

In particular, the specific target, by 2030, the total GRDP will reach about 1,981 billion USD, per capita GRDP will reach 12,242 USD, 4 times higher than expected in 2020.

Regarding social objectives, by 2030, the economy creates about 106,000 jobs, of which tourism sector is about 37,000; services, culture and creation of about 7,000 jobs; manufacturing and logistics about 14,000 jobs; fields about 48,000 jobs.

Also according to the report, the orientation of Van Don Economic Zone will be developed based on 3 main pillars: tourism, cultural and creative services, production and logistics. These three pillars contribute about 82.1% of GRDP and 70% of employment by 2050.

Particularly for tourism development, Van Don aims to develop high-class eco-tourism and culture. In particular, notably, Van Don will develop casino entertainment services; develop 3-5 star hotels; developing spiritual tourism; developing marine tourism packages from budget to luxury.

One of the notable points in the report of Quang Ninh province is Van Don Economic Zone which will orient infrastructure development. Accordingly, Van Don will study the construction of a helipad (helicopter taxi) in the island cluster of Cai Bau, Quan Lan and Thang Loi. At the same time, to study and build a type of seaplane for tourist and goods transport, suitable to the terrain of Van Don economic zone.

On the road, Van Tien Bridge will be built connecting Van Don Economic Zone and Tien Yen Economic Zone, near Mui Chua Port area, within the national road network (Highway 4B). Along with the construction of the Ha Long - Mong Cai expressway, complete the construction of the Ha Long - Van Don expressway. In the period outside 2050, to build a high-speed railway connecting Van Don economic zone with areas in the whole country and internationally ...

On the elevated railway, in the period 2030 - 2050, it will complete the elevated railway connecting functional areas in Cai Bau island area.

Quang Ninh People's Committee said that, based on the development scenarios and the industry's output growth rate and GRDP growth required, the total expected investment capital demand from 2018 to 2050 is about 70.2 billion USD. , will be mobilized from private sources and national budgets as well as foreign investment, capital from the land.

Tam An