Reckless "hunting" land Van Don on the New Year

Wednesday, 16/01/2019, 10:31 (GMT+7)

Reckless "hunting" land Van Don on the New Year

In recent days, Van Don has been busy with real estate transactions. Real estate floors and real estate centers returned to welcome investors to come to Van Don.

In mid-2018, Van Don real estate market stopped trading because local authorities decided to suspend public administrative procedures related to land due to the "hot fever" situation of the housing market at the time. Previously, Van Don land price increased many times.

Before the fever of the land, the general price of housing and land in the center of Cai Rong town fluctuated around 10-15 million VND / m2, but after only a few months the land price was pushed up 2-3 times.

However, after the National Assembly decided to postpone the passage of the Law on Special Administrative - Economic Units (Special Law), Quang Ninh halted the procedures for land transactions in Van Don and Van Don markets. " freezing, "however, according to business people here, housing prices here have not decreased, even slightly, there are underground transactions.

Ráo riết săn đất Vân Đồn những ngày cận Tết - Ảnh 1.

Van Don sea route is under construction

However, shortly after the decision to open the order to carry out the administrative procedures related to land in Van Don in early January 2019, Van Don real estate market attracted great attention from the houses. invest. Many industry experts also forecast that with such great interest, it is likely that Van Don housing market will boom in the second quarter of 2019.

According to the actual record in Van Don, the real estate investors are starting to come to Van Don to learn about investment opportunities, transactions of buying and selling the land at the project or "hunting" residential land. has a clear legal status.

In fact, many real estate projects in Van Don are still in the planning stage and completing legal procedures. Therefore, products from these projects are still not available. The transaction is mostly located in the land of new urban projects with infrastructure, basic legal procedures completed such as Vuong Long urban area, Thong Nhat urban area ... and residential land. (with red book) in residential areas. Therefore, the land in Van Don is guaranteed to invest quite scarce because many investors still "hug" and wait for prices.

At present, Van Don District People's Committee has officially received dossiers on settlement of administrative procedures on land in the locality, allowing real estate transactions to be traded with conditions eligible under the law. This information has brought great excitement to investors, real estate trading floors and investors after 7 months of "freezing" market.

Noting in Van Don these days, many delegations who are investors from Hanoi, Ha Long, Hai Phong, Hai Duong ... have come to Van Don to explore investment opportunities. The trading floors opened again to welcome quite a lot of investors and had very exciting happenings.

Bai Nguyen Nhu Y, General Director of Real Home - a trading floor located in the center of Van Don, said Van Don real estate is heating up every day. Investors are very interested in land plots in KDT Vuong Long and Thong Nhat projects, land along the road of 334 Dong Xa. Land price at major roads ranges from 22-50 million VND / m2 depending on location.

According to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung - Director of Thanh Tung Land Real Estate Exchange forecast 15 days before Tet, Van Don land will be very exciting. As soon as there was information to open trading orders, the first day his floor welcomed about a dozen visitors to learn.

According to our research, Van Don is a fertile land of many popular real estate developers such as Sungroup, CEO Group, FLC, Phuong Dong, HD Mon Holdings, Heritage path ... but projects There are no large projects here that are eligible to sell products in the next few months. At least 6 months to 1 year, Van Don has new sources of goods.

Ráo riết săn đất Vân Đồn những ngày cận Tết - Ảnh 2.

Many big real estate projects in Van Don are speeding up investment in infrastructure construction

Therefore, investors here said Van Don is quite in stock, housing prices may increase in the coming months.

Explaining the attraction of Van Don real estate, Ms. Nhu Y said that Van Don was planned to become one of the driving forces for economic development in the North. It will become a bustling metropolis with many amenities, great tourism services such as casino, 5-star resort, logistics, high technology, finance, film studio ... become the most livable city in the region. Asia Pacific. Therefore, from now on, Van Don started frantically building new and synchronous infrastructure.

Besides, Van Don is now fully equipped with important transport infrastructure conditions such as Van Don international airport, which has been put into operation and Ha Long highway - Van Don has been easily connected. Big cities like Hanoi, Hai Phong, Hai Duong, Bac Ninh ... therefore, Van Don real estate is very attractive to domestic and international investors.

Nhat Minh