Silence means weakness? No, that is the power of an intelligent person!

Wednesday, 20/02/2019, 08:35 (GMT+7)

Silence means weakness? No, that is the power of an intelligent person!!

The wise never have to search for words in words, they just need to be silent and prove their bravery.

Im lặng nghĩa là yếu đuối? Không, đó là quyền năng của kẻ thông minh!

We often have a saying that 'Silence is gold'. Silence does not mean to isolate yourself, to separate or completely away from your present life, but to know how to not argue in a suitable time to avoid harming people who harm us.

Some smart person can not see through everything, how smart can not always go smoothly. During the time of conflict, the dispute with others, your silence is not weak, not compromised, not even indifferent, which means that you are really mature. You know how to overlook a lot of things that are not worth it because sometimes, silence is worth more than a thousand words.

Im lặng nghĩa là yếu đuối? Không, đó là quyền năng của kẻ thông minh! - Ảnh 1.

Silence is the best answer to every question.

Know without saying

A girl raised by her grandmother from a young age, the day she died was the time when she lost half her soul and the meaning of life. She left alone because she did not want to accept the fact that she was gone forever, even her brother's wedding did not return. After many years, when a friend casually asked "When do you miss her the most?", She still burst into tears without saying anything. At that time, the friend just silently looked at her, expressed sympathy and didn't ask anything more.

Silence is a kind of life philosophy. When used well, it turns into an art. Everyone has sad memories in their hearts, the most vulnerable weakness in life and do not want to share with anyone else. At the moment, the best thing is not to ask for comfort, but to be silent.

Give others the opportunity to freely play and not say judgment before finding out the whole truth and respect for others, and the expression of goodness within each of us. Understanding how to keep quiet at the right time will help us resolve conflicts and give others comfort.

Im lặng nghĩa là yếu đuối? Không, đó là quyền năng của kẻ thông minh! - Ảnh 2.

Silence is worth more than a thousand words

In the night of the grandmother's death, her mother was still alone in the kitchen. The rising spicy concentration makes the whole family sneeze and stop tears, she blames her mother: "Why are you so chilly and don't know how to close it?"

This very hot, normal mother is just silent, not yelling at her. Her back shadow seemed lonely and lost. Her father said, "Mom and Dad are like grandmother."

Now, she realized that her mother's silence was showing a tremendous pain. She just restrained her emotions, tried to accept the truth, and hoped to find her grandmother's taste in the chilli pan.

Silence is sometimes worth more than a thousand words. A lot of human emotions cannot be expressed in words and silence is the best way to express. Instead of speaking out and seeking comfort from others, silence will give us time to restore inner self, accept impermanence of life, sharpen inner strength and cherish precious things. price of current.

Im lặng nghĩa là yếu đuối? Không, đó là quyền năng của kẻ thông minh! - Ảnh 3.

Silence is respect

On the flight, she sat next to another couple who were traveling together. All the way from the airport to the seat, the wife constantly complained about her husband handing over the house key to the housekeeper to look after the whole week, what if they were stolen all the things, missed them to bring the stranger back What about my house ... Meanwhile, the husband just moved quietly, when he carried his luggage for his wife, when he took her glass of water.

Waiting for the wife to go to the toilet, she could not help but turn to ask her husband. He simply replied, "Silence will protect her from being hurt. She is my wife, not an enemy, but need to use offensive words."

Silence is like a wave that calms all contradictions and discomfort in the heart, making the mind calm and settled. Not only are women good at silence, men also know how to quietly protect their loved ones. Instead of using words to attack other people's views, expressing ourselves, we can use silence to protect ourselves and others. The more wise, the more you understand how to be silent.

Throughout this life, we experience endless stories and meet many people. For the present, they can be very important, but maybe after a few years, when we look back, we will discover that everything compared to the previous competition is no longer meaningful. Meanwhile, sharp words that hurt others still leave marks and scars that cannot be erased. Be careful what you say. It can be forgiven, but unforgettable.

Phuong Thuy