Smart people know how to make "slow but sure" turtles, greedy lifelong are just rabbits that fail: This is why you should not aim for the new year!

Saturday, 16/02/2019, 09:33 (GMT+7)

Smart people know how to make "slow but sure" turtles, greedy lifelong are just rabbits that fail: This is why you should not aim for the new year!

There is a saying that I really like: "Nothing can defeat a man who knows himself." Building mastery and good habits of the "tortoise" group is the key for those who repeatedly fail to plan year after year..

So the old year is over and in 2019 again, in the first days of the new year, have you set up GOAL and PLAN for yourself in the new year. If not, don't worry too much, I will have a more practical advice for you right below this article.

Why don't you need goals and plans? First of all, I want you to try to remember:

- Have you ever made a monthly spending plan according to the methods written in the financial book, following the advice of wealthy entrepreneurs and who have been FAILED?

- Have you ever decided to lose weight, or go to a sports training program, go shopping for equipment and then remove them for years?

- Have you ever tried to learn a kind of MUSIC that you think after playing you will be cool and professional? But actually you quit right away in the first exercise?

- Have you ever been eager to study a new FOREIGN LANGUAGE like Japanese or Korean, but then you conclude that you only need to be good at one language that Vietnamese is more than enough to surf Facebook?

- Have you ever found yourself starving, and you discovered the divine saving formula of a financial expert, you find it simple and I will definitely follow to buy one. New cars. But is your pocket money still empty because of movie tickets, milk tea and the latest iPhone?

- You have also set a goal to become the best employee in the company to get a salary increase or to be promoted in any 20xx year, but that hasn't happened yet?

In short, if you fall into some of the above situations, then your problem is clearly not a LACK OF GOAL or a PLAN, but the fact that you don't have the skills to work UNDER THE PLAN.

Người thông minh biết làm rùa chậm mà chắc, kẻ tham lam cả đời chỉ là thỏ thất bại: Đây là lí do vì sao bạn không nên đặt mục tiêu cho năm mới! - Ảnh 1.

For quite a long time since I went to school to do business, I kept watching different friends in fulfilling their goals, and I realized there was a truth, The human version is divided into two types of personality, such as "turtles" and "rabbits".

Those who belong to the "turtle" group are people who are capable of clinging to the set goals. They tend to set simple goals and focus on very few issues. In the process of implementation, they are often unaffected by other people's opinions and external factors. Just like the turtle in the parable, they work hard, diligently progress toward their destination, despite the invitation of the beautiful butterflies on the way or the disparaging words of their friends. Simplicity helps the goal to always exist in their minds without having to write or remind themselves every day, from which they can easily implement it in every situation. Whether in the middle of the year, during the holidays or when going out, they still know what their goal this year is.

In contrast, the group of "rabbits" often fail because of their greed and passion for elaborate and complex plans. Actually their plan is not less feasible, but it is never completed because the basic reason is that it is designed for those who belong to the turtle group. Almost all training methods, time management methods, or personal finance ... are for the "turtle" group and are also written and preached by the most successful people in the "turtle" group. It could be a "map" to a turtle but a "maze" for rabbits.

Because of poor concentration, combined with too complicated goals, rabbits will "forget" the goal after a short time, and are distracted by the beautiful scenery, new temptations and when the situation changes. , the rabbit also hurriedly changed its target. As a result, after a year, the rabbit realized that she was still stomping on the spot, the rabbit was disappointed about herself and told herself that the next time I would have to "try harder" and would definitely fail only this time ... Of course, things still didn't get better in the following year's Tet holiday and the rabbits never returned to their destination.

If you are in a turtle group then GOAL and PLAN will definitely help you a lot and I would like to congratulate, whether you are a "fast" or a "slow" little turtle, you will surely reap much success.

But if you're in a rabbit group, don't waste your time on spectacular goals and meticulous plans, you will only encounter failures if you keep trying to eat. Instead, you must learn the good things about "turtle" thinking first.

Người thông minh biết làm rùa chậm mà chắc, kẻ tham lam cả đời chỉ là thỏ thất bại: Đây là lí do vì sao bạn không nên đặt mục tiêu cho năm mới! - Ảnh 2.

The good news is that rabbits and turtles are not innate, but mainly due to training and changing people's thinking. The behavior of rabbits is the result of a long process that you have not trained yourself in the habit of scientific work, lack of consistency and not keeping your word. You can retrain from scratch based on the following suggestions:

1. The set sets out short and simple goals, the best is only one goal and only sets the second goal after completing the number 1. For example, if you plan to save 20 million This year, replace it with the goal of saving 1 million VND for this month. Only when done, will you decide whether the next month will stay the same or change that number. If you still don't succeed at the end of the month, start over again until you get 1 million VND in the savings pig.

2. Look at the HABIT instead of looking at the RESULTS. Habits are root, the result is the best, certain good habits will lead to great results. Small habits in life such as sleeping on time, arriving at the right time, completing the exercises on the right deadline ... are the solid bricks for you to build a successful home in the future.

3. When promising something to someone, always make a commitment on time and include a penalty if you cannot. Do this until you are no longer scheduled.

4. The rule set "does not decide at the first time". Whenever you see something interesting and interesting, or beautiful and attractive items, you should never buy or decide at the first time, give yourself some time to rethink and agree that if I still love it when I meet again for the second time. When you get home, check that it matches or supports the goal you are pursuing, otherwise forget it.

5. Give yourself small rewards when you succeed with your initial effort. For example, when saving 10 million VND, you will be allowed to spend 2 million for personal preference. Remember that changing habits and personalities is a long and difficult journey, so in the first few months, you need to change your mindset and not need great success. Set a target of saving 10 million dong and do it, and better set a target of 1 billion dong and finish 200 million. Motivate yourself with small successes and share it with your loved ones to get motivated.

Người thông minh biết làm rùa chậm mà chắc, kẻ tham lam cả đời chỉ là thỏ thất bại: Đây là lí do vì sao bạn không nên đặt mục tiêu cho năm mới! - Ảnh 3.

There is a saying that I really like: "Nothing can defeat a man who knows himself." Building mastery and good habits of the "tortoise" group is the key for those who repeatedly fail to plan year after year.

I myself went through a process from a genuine rabbit to a turtle. So, I know very well that it not only helps you achieve the plan, but it is very important for everything in every person's life. Wish you success!

Chu Ngoc Cuong