Stork chaos in Central Vietnam: Bamboo bank, stubble change into billions

Thursday, 07/03/2019, 10:46 (GMT+7)

Stork chaos in Central Vietnam: Bamboo bank, stubble change into billions

The stork all over the place spilled into making prices. Rural land in Da Nang and Quang Nam has an unbelievable "fever".

Facing the situation of land stakes stirring up the market in the first months of 2019, the People's Committee of Hoa Vang District, Da Nang City had to issue an urgent document to People's Committees of 11 communes in the district to notice that people are cautious, not for immediate profit. but selling agricultural land and residential land will cause many consequences later.

Bamboo shores and stubble are also uprooted

Ms. Dang Thi Phi, living in Dien Ngoc Ward, Dien Ban Town, Quang Nam, is still not surprised when her 1,500 m2 plot of land is sold to a giant with a price of VND 3.4 billion.

The pudgy peasants, for the first time, took billions of money in their hands, she immediately gave them a few relatives. Over 2 billion VND she sent to the bank to prepare to build a new home.

"That day the stork naturally led people to pay the price of my barren land to 3.4 billion, unbelievable. Thinking that the land could not be cultivated, I sold the money to the children. Can I sell the price? I don't know if it is expensive or cheap ”- Mrs. Phi is still bewildered.

The new landowner of Mrs. Phi asked the locals to make a concrete concrete road running across the land, then cut out more than a dozen lots, and piling for sale. "People come to buy a lot. Cars parked on the road, ”said Ms. Phi.

Near Mrs. Phi's house, another farmer had just cut 3,000 m2 of garden land to sell for VND 4.5 billion. People in this area have many difficulties, hearing that they have sold land immediately. Some people split the plot to sell it right away, others waited for the main road (Dung Si Dien Ngoc street) to be invested to expand to sell for more price.

In Da Nang, the stork also landed on villages in Hoa Tien, Hoa Chau ..., Hoa Vang district asked to buy garden land and rural land of the people. Across the inter-communal roads early in the morning or in the evening are busy cars.

According to our survey, the plots with bamboo bushes and stubble are also paid the lowest price of VND 700 million in a plot of 200 m2. A month after Tet, the price has risen to 1.5-2 billion dong. Seeing the land price, people rushed to fill up fishponds, garden fields for sale, and after a few days regretted that the new land owners sold the words twice or three times.

On March 5, we asked a stork in Hoa Chau commune to buy a plot of 120 m2 and was quoted at VND 1 billion while in 2018 such land was only VND 400 million.


Cò đất náo loạn miền Trung: Bờ tre, gốc rạ đổi ra tiền tỉ - Ảnh 1.

The garden piece of 100m2 in the countryside was asked to buy with the price of more than 800 million VND. Photo: TAN VIET

Conflicting legal afterwards

Talking to us, the Vice Chairman of Hoa Vang District People's Committee, Mr. Dang Phu Hanh, identified the stork as buoyant, rumored to be easy to separate the garden plot into residential land to seduce buyers to believe. In fact, according to the regulations of the City, the separation condition in Hoa Vang district is a plot of land with an area of ​​at least 120 m2, along with the conditions of road, infrastructure and drainage.

"We are asking the land registration office to guide people to stipulate separation of land, if done incorrectly, it will lose money unfairly" - Mr. Hanh said.

According to Mr. To Van Hung, Director of Da Nang Department of Natural Resources and Environment, in addition to the above conditions, to be separated into plots, there must be a detailed plan of 1/500. He noted: “The city is strictly controlling the conversion from forest land, rural land to residential land. Buyers must carefully understand the planning, the status of the land can be converted, divided into residential land or not. People who want to buy residential land really need to come to the district Natural Resources and Environment Office, district land registration office branch ... to find out before deciding.

Meanwhile, in Quang Nam province, although the Provincial People's Committee issued Directive 06 on strengthening land management, the situation of buying and selling garden and rural land is still very complicated. Mr. Tran Thanh Ha, Director of Quang Nam DONRE, said that the unit can only intervene in administrative cases of settling the procedures of buying, selling, transferring, changing the purpose of land use ... selling land without government, the department cannot do anything "- Mr. Ha said.

Be careful with the text on the network

On the social network, there has been a red stamped document of the People's Committee of Quang Nam province with the content of the province approving the investment in a chain of five-star hotels and complexes combining casino and entertainment in Cam Nam ward Hoi An City. The office of Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee affirmed that this is a fake document.

Previously, real estate classifieds also appeared fake documents, signed by the president of Da Nang City, approved the form of investment, building bridges from Bui Ta Han Street through Hoa Xuan ecological urban area. . The publication of false documents aims to create a land fever, through which the stork will benefit.

Da Nang City Police also said that they had received denunciations from people about being claimed by some employees of Quang Da Investment and Development Joint Stock Company to fraudulently place deposits and reserve land to buy land. Nam Cam Le residential area project and 121 land lots in front of Doc Lan street, Cam Le district. Functional forces have prosecuted a fraud case of appropriating property for investigation.


Tan Viet - Thanh Nhat