The largest island in Vietnam is ready to become a special zone

Tuesday, 19/03/2019, 10:53 (GMT+7)

The largest island in Vietnam is ready to become a special zone

TTO - Responding to Youth reporter, Mr. NGUYEN THANH NGHIA - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Delegation of National Assembly of Kien Giang province, affirmed that he had prepared the most basic conditions for building a special economic and administrative unit of Phu National.

Đảo lớn nhất Việt Nam đã sẵn sàng trở thành đặc khu - Ảnh 1.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nghi said Kien Giang had 10 years of preparing a project to build Phu Quoc into a special economic zone - Photo: LE KIEN

"I believe that when receiving preferential policies, international superiority and competition is legalized, it will be the most special conditions for Phu Quoc to successfully implement its objectives.".



At the same time, Mr. Nghi also acknowledged Phu Quoc's "pearl island" facing the challenges of environmental protection in the "hot" development speed.

He said: "The project of establishing" Administrative - Economic (HC-KT) unit especially Phu Quoc, Kien Giang province "is the result of the Politburo's leadership and implementation process for nearly 10 years. , Government, ministries, sectors and Kien Giang province ".

"The province has established a steering committee and two sub-committees to study the contents of the project. The process of preparing the project has received widespread contributions from ministries, central branches, managers and experts. , domestic and foreign scientists, businesses, entrepreneurs ".

"In particular, to reinforce theory and practical basis, serve as a basis for proposing specific organizational model, apparatus, mechanisms and policies to promote potentials, strengths and create sudden development steps. breaking, sustainable for HC-KT, especially Phu Quoc, the province organized many scientific conferences with the participation of many domestic and international experts, managers ".

"Up to now, the basic project has been completed, approved by the Party committees, authorities and local people, and submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs the appraisal and advising the Government to submit to the National Assembly for consideration in the coming time ".

Will fail if there is a global competition policy

* Besides the support, there are skeptical opinions about the success of special economic zones such as Van Don, Phu Quoc, because Vietnam established special zones after other countries for decades, especially at the time. When the Vietnamese economy is very "open", many FTAs are signed, so the preferential policies on tax and investment no longer have much competitive meaning. How do you explain to skeptics?

- According to experts, from domestic and international practices, some unsuccessful economic zones are often due to the main reasons such as lack of political determination of senior leaders. ; lack of aspirations and enthusiasm of the government and people where the construction of special economic zones is determined;

The selected position is not correct; determining the development of the industry is not really suitable with the potential and advantages, competitive advantages of the location selected for the construction of special economic zones;

There are no separate laws; lack of globally competitive mechanisms and policies - mainly based on exemption or tax incentives and land rent;

Lack of initial support from the Government to invest in developing infrastructure connecting to special economic zones, especially transport infrastructure; not yet attracted strategic investors and no real involvement of the private sector;

Organizing cumbersome and overlapping administrative apparatus; procedures are not transparent; poor management capacity for negative, corruption, tax evasion, smuggling ...; There is no suitable public-private cooperation mechanism in developing infrastructure for special economic zones.

The above lessons have been developed by the steering committee for careful research and analysis. The comparisons show that Phu Quoc converges many advantages and potentials to build and develop a special HC-KT unit model.

With a special preferential mechanism such as the effective management model of HC-KT unit, especially in the draft HC-KT Unit Special Law and the project content, we have the belief that Phu Quoc will guide to the future of dynamic, sustainable development and a destination selected for tourism and investment.

* So Phu Quoc has the most special things, to be able to apply the policies "superior, transparent, global competition at the highest level" as the target of the project?

- Phu Quoc is the largest island in Vietnam, with a prominent position in the Gulf of Thailand with favorable conditions on hydrometeorology, a long coastline surrounding the island with many beautiful beaches; there are many hills and primeval forests with rich flora and fauna ecosystems and diverse marine ecosystems; There are rivers and streams and fresh water sources to ensure living and production development ...

Phu Quoc pearl island is also associated with patriotic traditions, revolutionary struggle, with historical and cultural relics preserved. Those are outstanding advantages for year-round tourism activities.

Phu Quoc has a sea area adjacent to ASEAN countries, near international freight routes from East to West, not more than 2 hours from the capital of ASEAN countries, very close to the development and tourism centers. industry of regional countries.

Therefore, Phu Quoc has the advantage of developing water and road transportation; able to connect quickly to not only big cities and economic regions in the country but also to major international cities; is a favorable condition to develop trade trade with countries in the region and the world.

Infrastructure for Phu Quoc development has been invested an important step, such as Phu Quoc International Airport to ensure the operation of the most modern aircraft today; International passenger ports will be put into operation in 2018 will receive modern sea cruise ships; International seaports, a system of transport and high-speed ships ensure the transportation of goods and vehicles, passengers traveling regularly between Phu Quoc and the mainland.

In addition, the national electricity grid has ensured supply for production, service and consumption needs; complete telecommunications infrastructure, main island road system, clean water supply system, banking and financial services, many hotels, high-class resorts, international general hospitals, facilities educate...

It is necessary to boldly implement new institutions and policies

* The biggest obstacle to the Law on administrative and economic units especially the "conflict" of the content of this law with the current legal system of our country, especially the project The establishment of Phu Quoc Special Zone shows very clear differences such as salary policy, tax, currency, labor regime, housing and land ownership ... Please give me your opinion on this issue?

- I think the HC-KT Unit Law especially applies in some areas with defined geographical boundaries (Van Don, Bac Van Phong and Phu Quoc) so it is necessary to boldly implement new and special institutions and policies distinct, superior, higher and more favorable than the provisions of the current laws, ensuring compliance with the Constitution, international treaties to which Vietnam is a member and international competition.

However, no matter how specific the policy is, the highest principle is that Phu Quoc is growing fast but must be sustainable, ensuring national defense and security, maintaining independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. .

The project of establishing a special HC-KT unit in Phu Quoc proposed mechanisms and policies applicable to Phu Quoc on that view in order to thoroughly grasp the Party's guidelines and resolutions and the Constitution's regulations to distribute The development of priority trades and fields is suitable to the characteristics, situation and maximizing the potential and advantages of Phu Quoc.

Đảo lớn nhất Việt Nam đã sẵn sàng trở thành đặc khu - Ảnh 3.

Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee Secretary acknowledged that the environmental impact in some areas of Phu Quoc is at a serious level - Photo: LE KIEN

* The development of Phu Quoc began to "heat up" since the policy of building special zones, including two most concerned issues are the risk of planning "crushed" and polluted environment? How are these issues controlled?

- The general planning for construction of Phu Quoc island was approved by the Prime Minister in 2010 and approved by the Prime Minister in 2015. The province has been directing and managing strictly according to this plan.

Following the conclusions of the Politburo and the direction of the Prime Minister, the province will review and re-evaluate the planning in accordance with the new development requirements and conditions.

In recent years, with the rapid development, many construction works and a large number of workers, tourists to Phu Quoc but with limited resources and management capabilities, negative impacts on the environment. The number of areas in Phu Quoc is very worrying, requiring more attention and effective solutions for the environment to be free of pollution.


"With the orientation of developing high quality eco-tourism, the environment for Phu Quoc is particularly important. In the development process, if not controlled strictly, it will cause negative impacts on the environment. school ".



The province has called for investment in building waste water and waste treatment plants, controlling environmental plans of enterprises and advocacy organizations, calling on people to raise their sense of responsibility in security. environmental protection ...

Calling for investment in building an environmentally friendly public transport system, using clean energy; Strict protection of the forest and keeping the forest cover within 65%.

With great determination and investment, I believe that when becoming a special HC-KT Unit, Phu Quoc ensures that the area has a "green, clean and beautiful" environment, which ensures conditions to attract. Investors, businesses, especially domestic and foreign tourists come and play.