The rent for 'gold land' is cheaper than vegetables

Wednesday, 20/02/2019, 08:23 (GMT+7)

The rent for 'gold land' is cheaper than vegetables

The difference between the rental price of the premises of My Dinh National Park in accordance with the contract signed with businesses and the actual rental price in the market up to ten times..

Giá thuê 'đất vàng' rẻ hơn mớ rau

Working with Tien Phong newspaper before the 2018 Lunar New Year, a representative of an enterprise rented land at LHTTQG My Dinh Area (the request did not name) said that it had signed a land lease contract in My Dinh since 2011, lasting until 2017. The land lease price in the 2017 contract of this enterprise with My Dinh is VND 18,000 / m2, the total leasing area is 27,000m2. The enterprise then only uses a small part of the above area, the rest is renovated, invested and re-leased.

Business representative said: “The form is short-term contract, but we are guaranteed long-term lease. If not, we are not foolish to invest in building such facilities and large investments ”.

This is also the reason after the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism decided to revoke, some businesses have reached their aspirations in case the National Highway Coordination Unit develops a project, plans to re-implement the land lease activities in accordance with regulations. laws and enterprises are prioritized to re-rent because they have lost money to invest in initial facilities.

According to the research, in addition to the above enterprises, the contract of LHTTQG My Dinh area signed with many other businesses is only valued at VND 10,000, VND 12,000 or VND 18,000 per m2. In fact, the rental price of space in LHTTQG My Dinh Area is up to 100,000 VND / m2, even higher.

The conclusions of the State Audit also showed that short-term lease contracts in My Dinh have not made public auctions and publicized the rental rates as stipulated in Clause 3, Article 14, Circular No. 23/2016 / TT-BTC dated February 16, 2016 of the Ministry of Finance. The question here is who benefits from renting land with the above price, as well as the ability of the state budget to lose a huge amount of money?

The term stated in the contract is only 6 months or 1 year, but is signed repeatedly for many years at the same location. At the conclusion of the recent State Audit, SAV determined that this is essentially a long-term contract. At clause 1.1.5 concluding SAV on January 7, 2019, the SAV has proposed to continue to recover the budget of land rent of long-term or short-term contracts from 2011 to 2017 for each time lease in accordance with the law.

All of the above issues at My Dinh National Park Zone occurred under Director Can Van Nghia but since September 2018, Mr. Can Van Nghia has retired. In 12/2018, Mr. Can Van Nghia ran for election at the 8th General Assembly of LDBDVN (VFF) and won the position of Vice President in charge of finance. This is the position for many years by big businessmen, most recently the Chairman of HAGL Group Doan Nguyen Duc.

At a meeting of the VFF BCH 8th term, an Executive Committee member in charge of financial issues raised the question, VFF needs to speak up to preserve the image because this is not only Mr. Can Van Nghia's personal problem. According to this position, the image is clean, the VFF can be assured of making money back to Vietnamese football.

However, up to now, Mr. Can Van Nghia and VFF have not given any convincing answers. This is probably a pity in the context of the success of Vietnamese football, being expected by fans all over the country.


According to the research, in addition to the above enterprises, the contract of LHTTQG My Dinh area signed with many other businesses is only valued at VND 10,000, VND 12,000 or VND 18,000 per m2. In fact, the rental price of space in LHTTQG My Dinh Area is up to 100,000 VND / m2, even higher. The conclusions of the State Audit also showed that short-term lease contracts in My Dinh have not made public auctions and publicized the rental rates as stipulated in Clause 3, Article 14, Circular No. 23/2016 / TT-BTC dated February 16, 2016 of the Ministry of Finance. The question here is who benefits from renting land with the above price, as well as the ability of the state budget to lose a huge amount of money?

Duc Anh