Understand destiny to be a destiny master: 9 ways to change fate according to Buddhism

Wednesday, 09/01/2019, 17:03 (GMT+7)

Understand destiny to be a destiny master: 9 ways to change fate according to Buddhism

There are people with their own fate who do not have any knowledge at all, when life is difficult and resentful against the land..

Hiểu rõ vận mệnh để làm chủ vận mệnh: 9 cách thay đổi số phận theo Phật giáo

There are those who argue that all of their blessings are due to the destiny, from which there are false glances, some are happy with heaven and earth, not afraid of fear, ready to receive the arduousness of the war living.

Many factors affect our lives, such as the expectations of parents, teachers, and attitudes to hate loved ones ...

How the use of money also greatly affects the development of money, a saying, a thought also makes life different.

Buddhism believes that all success and failure in life are outside the principle of "karmic retribution".

Here are also factors that affect our own destiny.

1. Habits

 Hiểu rõ vận mệnh để làm chủ vận mệnh: 9 cách thay đổi số phận theo Phật giáo - Ảnh 1.

The greatest destiny.

Buddhism often says it is difficult to eliminate afflictions, but it is difficult to eliminate habits.

Habits are a fixed pattern in life, good and bad are also, after a long time, habits become natural and deeply rooted in the heart of each person, lifetimes of life are difficult to eliminate.

Therefore, be extremely cautious with habits. Bad habits such as smoking, kicking, drinking, harming the body, lying, stealing, greed will ruin morality.

Good habits such as emotional control, focus on breathing, eating, movement, optimism ... will prolong life.

Hardworking, clean, benefiting people. Buddhism advocates followers to form a habit of chanting, which can be based on the Buddha's name to initiate Buddha in the mind, reborn in the earth, transcending samsara.

In short, if a person has good conditions, but many bad habits are hard to report. A good habit is a kind of grace, which can help people turn into a healthy person, turn a dangerous life into an evil.

2. Superstition

 Hiểu rõ vận mệnh để làm chủ vận mệnh: 9 cách thay đổi số phận theo Phật giáo - Ảnh 2.


There are many people who like to watch fortune telling, aiming for a good harvest to avoid evil.

Someone at marriage must consider the age of two people to match, some people are very feng shui, some people go to worship, not based on reason to make a decision.

Superstitious behavior comes from our lack of self-confidence, sometimes because of superstition, losing the good opportunity, losing the great news of life.

Buddhism thinks that every day is a good day, every time is a good time, just match with causality, there is nothing to abstain from.

3. A love letter

It is said that "if there is not much love, it will not be born in this world," a person is a sentient being, that is, there is love, but some people cling to love and lose their reason, due to Love that gives birth to hate, until it causes irreversible painful outcomes.

Because love is not like that, so it is born so many painful afflictions, so, Buddhism teaches people to take wisdom to transform love, to use mind to treat and cling.

Bringing sublimation love into compassion, it helps people to free themselves from suffering and suffering.

4. Longing for power

The dominance of power comes from ego, conceit, making people think of the venerable-vile class.

There are people who are too inferior, committed to submissive under authority, do not want to be self-reliant, and have a poor life.

There are people who want power not from every trick, lose their reason.

And Buddhism thinks that equal beings, who have Buddha nature, the rich to the poor due to moral decisions.

We should have a perception that "we are Buddha", believe that our destiny lies in our own hands.

5. Karma

Buddhism considers karma to control human destiny. Karma is the force of influence that will be born in the future due to the actions of the body, the words, the thoughts of each person at present and in the past.

Many people lamented that they were not good, blaming others or blaming the situation, they did not know that it was all due to karma.

How to succeed a good story?

Buddhism advocates good and good faith, evil has evil signs, daily promotes good conditions, repentance of karma, it can neutralize bad conditions, opening a radiant map.

Habits, superstition, love, desire for power and karma, goodness and evil are all determined by our minds, wanting to change destiny to shake hands from purifying our mind.

6. Change concept

The concept affects a person's judgment of value, determines the good-evil trend of behavior. Buddhism focuses on the support of right view.

The so-called right view is the correct interpretation, which is the correct concept.

Having an accurate human being, believing in cause and effect, understanding dependent origination, naturally will not do evil or resentment against people.

7. Changing behavior

Proverbs often say "melon can be planted, beans are grown." the behavior of each person will create karma, once the cause is ripe, then it will arise, so we want to have a good, happy future, we must do good, transform into happiness, because because all happiness or suffering is in our hands.

8. Quang links good conditions

All things in the universe from human to fruit also have grace, thanks to the conditions that result.

The life of people, there are people who are very intelligent, have good capacity but do not have achievements, some people are very normal but it is convenient to do anything.

Therefore, we must promote good relationships. Making good conditions is the most beautiful thing in the world.


9. Maintain the precepts

The precepts are the root of all good, the world helps prevent evil, the so-called "blessedness is not the door, because of self-control," good deeds are achieved with good will and evil will face evil.

Therefore, the classic example "precepts such as good physician, precepts such as orbit, precepts such as walls, precepts such as bright lights, precepts such as search ..." keep the precepts will sever the conditions , naturally there is a bright future, a beautiful life.

Buddhism has a positive and optimistic view of human destiny, all things impermanence, non-virtuous conditions, good or bad can be based on good will to change, even if heavy karma can be peaceful.

Therefore, regardless of whether you live in wealth and riches or in the misery of poverty, you should acknowledge that, understand the destiny, change your destiny, and master the destiny.

Viet Minh