"What is a lot of money to do?" - Young Y generation, do they need so much money to be happy?

Friday, 22/02/2019, 10:08 (GMT+7)

"What is a lot of money to do?" - Young Y generation, do they need so much money to be happy?

That is still the eternal question of young people: What life are we living for? BECAUSE money? Because of happiness? Or money to bring happiness?

“Tiền nhiều để làm gì” - những người trẻ thế hệ Y, họ có cần nhiều tiền đến vậy để hạnh phúc?

At the age of 22, we graduate with constant anxiety whether or not we can get a job. A new "rat race" starts again.

At the age of 25, when thinking about getting married in the beginning, so you have to be careful when you can buy a house and get a car to get married?

30 years old, I am going to first grade, can I have a new money for school?

"What is the money to do?" To have a better life ”. Thinking again and again is not wrong, but is it really something that attracts all young people who are plunging into a "rat race" out there? Let the data tell you a story about the relationship between money and happiness.

According to a Wells Fargo study in 2017, a survey of 1771 people, young people between the ages of 20-36 considered satisfaction and happiness stemming from financial stability and responsibility - you can understand. This is the use of money in a reasonable and balanced way. About half of the participants were satisfied with their financial capacity, 62% generally felt happy and about 65% of the total people described their life with the word "meaning".

The results of the survey partly help to visualize young people's views and attitudes about relationships, careers, happiness and financial issues. Y Generation - the future of the world does not associate happiness with the pursuit of money but the use of money responsibly and understanding their financial situation helps them live more comfortably. With 88% of young people, success in life is not about developing money but about happy life - love and family. ¼ millennials don't care about money and what's interesting in the survey is that men are generally happier than women (68% and 58%).

“Tiền nhiều để làm gì” - những người trẻ thế hệ Y, họ có cần nhiều tiền đến vậy để hạnh phúc? - Ảnh 1.


I believe that those who always communicate about young people who have to do their best to go to old age will regret not having money and will feel a little nervous when reading this article.

Headache with money worries

Nearly half of young people (46%) indicated that they had problems with debt while 43% were always worried about paying health care costs. About 2 out of 5 people say they are still financially dependent on their parents, friends or husbands / wives. The young generation is fully aware of their financial burdens around the money. However, 69% of respondents said they felt ready to overcome that financial worry.

However, these are not things that can prevent young people from finding joy in life. Having enough money to live is that you have enough money to live happily - we use money to buy food, buy clothes to keep warm, not buy status, buy our own images. Happiness and money revolve around a word "enough" but people take a lifetime to understand this.

Happy young people are people who understand their own finances

We live in a society that says how, money still dominates and affects everyone's "happiness" - no matter the way. Although happiness is often associated with relationships, not finance, it is still an important aspect in the lives of young people. However, the problem is not about having a lot of money.

“The more you understand your finances, the happier the young people will be - and that has been proven by a group of young people who agree with all five views we call the Financially Calculated Index. extreme, ”said Kristi Mitchem, Wells Fargo's CEO. "What's interesting here is that many young people don't realize that understanding their financial problems can lead to happiness."

In this study, 5 affirmed to assess the level of interaction, to understand their own financial situation in making financial goals and achieving those goals or pension plans. Based on the results, 36% of those who achieved all of the 5 criteria often see themselves as happier than the rest. Include:

"I have enough money to save when I need it for the future." In total, 58% of young people are aware of this.

"I'm saving until retirement." In total, 58% of young people are aware of this.

"I feel like I can control my own financial situation." In total, 68% of young people are aware of this.

"I am active in planning my own financial situation." In total, 83% of young people are aware of this.

"I can afford to pay every monthly expense." In total, 85% of young people are aware of this.

The problem is not that you have a lot of money to feel happy, but how you control the money you have to pursue happiness. A happy story no longer revolves around anyone who has more money, who manages and is more aware of his money. A lot of money does not have too much meaning if you do not know how to use it and are aware of the money.

“Tiền nhiều để làm gì” - những người trẻ thế hệ Y, họ có cần nhiều tiền đến vậy để hạnh phúc? - Ảnh 2.

The source of happy life with young people?

When it comes to the career aspect, young people working full-time think that having a meaningful job, true to their own interests, is an important aspect of life (at 94%) and 77% feel happy when going to work every day. But the root of happiness lies in relationships and love in life. When asked, choose 5 words to describe things that are associated with happiness, can you guess which 5 words are the highest proportion?

"Love" (62%)

"Everything is convenient" (23%)

"Money" (10%)

"Work" (4%)

"Power" (1%).

"Love wins" - love won.

More specifically, spending time with family (72%) and friends (61%) makes young people feel happiest, followed by helping others (59%). Among the three highest aspects of the level of life satisfaction, young people surveyed said that family relationships are the most important (56%); followed by intellectual life (52%) and interests (50%). Meanwhile only ⅓ feel satisfied with financial life and they consider financial security just as important as health and spiritual issues.

Y generation is obsessed with financial worries but they always believe that relationships and love are the source of happiness. Spending time with family and friends, investing in experiences instead of being material and helping others in life is really meaningful to Y generation. Young people know that being sure about finance is very important and contributes to a happy but sure life, which is not the ultimate desire, the motivation for people to spend their lives pursuing.

“Tiền nhiều để làm gì” - những người trẻ thế hệ Y, họ có cần nhiều tiền đến vậy để hạnh phúc? - Ảnh 3.

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