Vietnam has more than 3260km of coastline running from Mong Cai to Ha Tien, nature has endowed this S-shaped strip of land with many beautiful bays from the North to the South such as Lan Ha, Ha Long, Bai Tu Long, Lang Co, Nha Trang, Van Phong or Phu Quoc Archipelago. Phu Quoc archipelago, with 22 islands, with the largest island being Phu Quoc island, is located in the Gulf of Thailand, southwest of Vietnam. Phu Quoc stretches from latitude: 9°53′ to 10°28′ north and longitude: 103°49′ to 104°05′ east.

Phu Quoc’s sea area has 22 large and small islands, of which the largest island has an area of ​​567 km², the length of the island is 49 km. The natural terrain is low and gentle, running from north to south with 99 mountains and hills. However, the cluster of 12 small islands of An Thoi port is completely separate from the southern tip of the island where the strait has a depth of more than 60 m. International ships can dock at this port. The new international seaport is located at Duong Dong City Center on the West side of Phu Quoc Island City.


Due to the characteristic location of Phu Quoc Island located at low latitudes and deep into the Gulf of Thailand, surrounded by the sea, the weather is cool with a tropical monsoon character. The climate is divided into two distinct seasons, the dry season starts from October to May the next year and the rainy season is from June to September.


Phu Quoc Island is affected by the northeast monsoon with relatively strong intensity, the average wind speed is 3.2 m/s. When the northeast wind is strong, the speed reaches from 20 to 24 m/s. The dry season has an average humidity of 78%. The highest temperature is 35 degrees Celsius in April and May. The average temperature is about 27 – 28 degrees Celsius.


Phu Quoc Island in this area is the gateway to welcome the West – Southwest monsoon, the average wind speed is 4.5 m/s. The rainy season is cloudy, high humidity, from 85 to 90%. The average rainfall is 414 mm/month. (The whole year average is 3000 mm). In the North Island area, it can reach 4000 mm/year; there is a rainy month lasting 20 consecutive days.


Traveling to Phu Quoc, the most beautiful time is the dry season from October to May. However, summer, from June to September, is also a good time to come to Phu Quoc due to the natural conditions of the beautiful island. This beautiful place is covered by terrain stretching 49 km from the north to the south, so if the west side is stormy, the east sea surface will always be calm or vice versa.

Therefore, it can be said that Phu Quoc tourism can be done all year round while still experiencing the attractions without any impact from weather changes over time or according to the season of the year.

A few notes

Traveling to Phu Quoc from October to May is the winter time for international visitors. Room rates at branded hotels will have higher room rates because it is the peak season and low-end prices are stable all year round. Phu Quoc summer tourism from June to the end of September is the domestic tourism season.

4-star and 5-star hotels and resorts have attractive prices for Vietnamese tourists, so at this time you can choose to stay in luxury hotels or resorts without having to worry too much about the cost when having a summer holiday in Phu Quoc. Emperor Cruises Phu Quoc has reasonable and stable prices all year-round for both market sources.